Comments on: 5 Ways to Boost Your Dogs Confidence Tips & Tricks For Dog Owners Thu, 01 Feb 2024 19:09:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Serena Weakley Mon, 15 Nov 2021 16:22:48 +0000 hello, so curious is to know the breed of this dog in your article? Is this Laika you are referring to in your article? Thank you so much for the good read and I am looking forward to reply to let me know what is anything she is mixed with or what her breed is.

By: Lena Brower Wed, 16 Dec 2020 09:17:04 +0000 My dog is about a year and a half old and barks so loudly when someone comes to the door and barks so loud I can’t hear when I open the door, how can you stop that?! It’s so annoying!! She barks at the grandkids until they pay attention to her and play ball with her but just barks at neighbors outside for no reason.

By: Amy D. Wed, 01 Jan 2020 02:57:50 +0000 In reply to Baughbe.

I’d keep her away from your family members since they obviously don’t understand the trauma she’s suffered in the past. What makes her happy? She’s not play or treat motivated but is there anything else that makes her perk up? I wish you all the best with your sweet pup. Thank you for giving her a loving home and a family. <3

By: Baughbe Sat, 23 Mar 2019 23:56:38 +0000 What do you do when your dog is not play or treat motivated? I have a German Shepherd who was previously abused. She is fearful. She barely cares about treats. She won’t play with toys. We have made great strides but she still barks when my 8yo nephew (or other boys around his age) comes within 10 feet of her. Sometimes she lets my niece pet her. It has been 3 years and I try to work with her slowly but it scares the kids when she barks and they don’t listen when I say don’t come closer. Then my mom and sister snipe at me about my ill-behaved dog and how they will “punch her in the head” if she bites them (she has NEVER been aggressive or used her teeth in fear). How can I work on her confidence and fear if they aren’t calm enough, listen well enough, or brave enough to work with me and treats and toys don’t appeal to her?

By: Liarne Henry Sat, 08 Sep 2018 08:04:22 +0000 In reply to Jen Gabbard.

Thank you so much. Don’t know how to attach a photo of her but actually don’t have to. You have my dog’s pictures:)

By: Jen Gabbard Thu, 06 Sep 2018 17:49:58 +0000 In reply to Liarne.

She’s a German Shepherd/Staffi mix as well. We did a Wisdom Panel test a few years back and they found some Rottweiler and Bernese Mountain Dog mixed in as well. Here’s the results if you’re interested:

By: Liarne Thu, 06 Sep 2018 06:56:29 +0000 Great article and great advice but it was your dog’s photos that made my heart skipp a beat. Tosca ( who looks identical to your dog) was a rescue and turned out to be GSDx Staffi. What is your beautiful dog in the picture?

By: Golden Daily Scoop Fri, 05 Feb 2016 01:08:00 +0000 We are dealing this with Bruin, our youngest golden. He is fearful at times of people, so glad to read this. Will definitely look into your recommended reading. Thanks for sharing!

By: DZ DogAdventures Thu, 04 Feb 2016 22:23:00 +0000 Great article!! We’ve done most of this to help out fearful girl.

By: Kathleen Pirro Thu, 04 Feb 2016 17:36:00 +0000 I haven’t had to deal with this yet, but I will keep your tips in mind, just in case.
