Comments on: Please Stop Asking “Whose Walking Who?” Tips & Tricks For Dog Owners Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:13:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Garner Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:13:36 +0000 In reply to Peter Swift.

Instead of shouting that phrase “who’s walking who” just be direct if you care so much.
Making that comment sounds like you’re making fun of whoever you’re directing that to.
Be more encouraging and helpful if you really want to relay your words.

Do you really think spouting “who’s walking who” will make this world a better place for everyone?

You agree the comment is bad. But why use a bad comment to show importance. See how this doesn’t make sense?

By: James Garner Sun, 12 Sep 2021 13:06:46 +0000 In reply to Peter Swift.

Okay, so you’re saying “who’s walking who.”
But are you actually helping the owner while you say it?
Can you be more helpful?
Is it too hard for you to be more caring?
I suppose you have the freedom to say it but the other party has to the freedom to retort whatever they want right back at you. And you may not like what you hear.

By: James Garner Sun, 12 Sep 2021 12:59:31 +0000 In reply to Meghan.

Awesome come back!
I thought of a few but seems harsh like “not you.”

But I also thought of, “we’re bonding, not walking.”

By: Darrell Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:33:13 +0000 My golden was a puller, and bad. A number of months of every morning 1.5 mile walks, on a schedule, and she doesn’t pull. I let her walk in front, leashed or not, and she still stops and waits at any corner or the site of people or other dogs. They like to be praised, when she looks away from the many rabbits and squirrels every morning, when I can read her “I want them” look she gets the love. It’s your walk as much as your dog’s, do it how you both enjoy it.

By: Jen Gabbard Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:06:18 +0000 In reply to Peter Swift.

Well yes it depends on the dog, and in this post I was specifically referring to my dog.

She did pull really bad when she was younger, but once she was able to walk nicely I noticed she didn’t walk behind me or right at my side all the time; she’d walk a few steps ahead. She doesn’t pull, but she will get a little bit ahead of me and stop when it gets close to the end of her lead. Because we mostly walk down side roads I don’t mind it at all. As long as she’s not pulling me I’m fine with it.

Now doing that on the sidewalk or busy street would be a different story.

By: Peter Swift Fri, 30 Mar 2018 14:41:35 +0000 I think it depends on the dog.

Personally I have a Greyhound x Podenco and A German Shepherd x Greyhound.

The GS x G pulled me down the street for the first 8 months but after a year of stopping whenever he pulls he now understands not to and also to walk just by my side. If they pull I stop and walk around in a circle, it really works! Letting them pull actually puts them in a stressed eratic mood.

If I let them lead I will have most dogs barking at us and it just becomes a massive mess.

The funniest thing is when someone comes along with there dog leading the way then barking at us my dogs react and they look at me like the bad guy, this is why some people will shout “Who is walking who” because it causes problems!!!!

Wake up peeps! unless you have a tiny little dog then it doesnt matter!

I live in Barcelona, wayyy over populated and I come into contact with every breed imaginable on a daily basis.

You would be amazed at how stupid some people are with their dog, it really worrys me.

Shouting that comment is bad I agree but seriously its important that they dont pull or lead the way.

Thanks for reading


By: Peter Swift Fri, 30 Mar 2018 14:23:00 +0000 Your so wrong, it took me more than a year to train my dogs to not pull. Any dog I come into contact with on a lead pulling causes a problem and will always bark because it thinks its the leader of the their pack.

Probably depends on the dog but its ALWAYS better to train them to not pull… I will say “whose walking who” whilst my dogs calmy walk behind me, I take it your one of those people who let their dog pull you around a corner and nearly cause a fight.

By: Carol Fri, 12 Jan 2018 10:39:46 +0000 My reply to people who ask who is walking who is “We take turns”

By: Lindsay Stordahl Tue, 13 Oct 2015 23:20:00 +0000 In reply to Emma.

I get that one too when I’m walking multiple dogs. “You got your hands full.” So not clever. So unoriginal.

By: AuntChristine Wed, 02 Sep 2015 11:08:00 +0000 There are no absolutes, I think. I don’t buy the theory that it makes me boss… nor the theory that walking ahead is absolutely best. For me, I like a dog to have manners and listen well on walks, so, I do have dog “wait” at door, on stairs, and walk at my side to sit when I stop at street corners, and sit/wait while I pick up poop. And they get the ok to sniff and go ahead after they’ve relieved themselves at specific locations at curb–then we walk and dog explores and always returns to my side on his own. I like rhe dogs I walk to watch me for dirextion. To me, it depends on the dog and the environment. And the equipment. If wearing a training halter on face or no pull chest harness, dog should be at hrel or slighly behind to use equipment without hurting the dog. In a crowded setting, letting the dog walk ahead is inconsiderate of other and in NYC downright dangerous. My pet peeve with dogs walking ahead has to do with retractable leads and dogs coming up at dog I’m walking from behind, sneak approach.

Enjoy your walks!
