I Missed the Early Signs of Arthritis In My Dog
I missed the early signs of arthritis in my dog. She was diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 3, and to say I was a bit shocked is an understatement.
The signs had been there all along, but I wasn’t putting them together. I just assumed they were just regular age related issues.
When you live with a dog everyday it’s easy to miss some changes, and when it comes to arthritis many times those changes are just attributed to aging.
But when it comes to arthritis in dogs there are some specific things to look out for. This article goes over the early signs of arthritis in dogs, including all the ones I ended up missing.
I Missed The Early Signs of Arthritis in My Dog
80% of dogs 8 years of age and older are affected by arthritis. But since my dog is young never crossed my mind. She loves playing & running, she doesn’t limp, and she certainly doesn’t just lay around. If I were to go grab a frisbee right now I guarantee she’d leap to her feet and be ready to go. She’s a 3 year old dog in decent shape; arthritis was the furthest thing from my mind.
Laika’s been slower to rise in the morning for months, and I assumed it was just part of aging. She can be a fussy dog, so when she was pulling her legs away during grooming I blamed it on her bad mood. When she started getting out of a bed a little slower than usual I didn’t find it too odd. I get out of bed a lot slower than I used to as well.
But unfortunately dogs can’t tell us what’s wrong, so it’s up to us to notice those symptoms. Laika was still active, and she’d been participating in all of our normal daily physical exercises. She wasn’t showing any real signs of pain, and she wasn’t show any obvious signs of wanting to slow down.
But unfortunately she was in pain. She’s had arthritis for awhile and I didn’t catch any of the signs. I wrote this article for anyone who suspects their dog might have arthritis, because as I found out those early symptoms are easy to miss (or write off as being unrelated).
Signs of canine arthritis include stiffness when getting up or lying down, limping, slowing down on walks, pain after exercise, or reluctance to jump or climb steps. It’s important to recognize these signs and begin treatment early, to slow the progression and help preserve your dog’s quality of life. – Whole Dog Journal
I Thought Early Morning Stiffness Was Normal
For the past 6 months or so Laika has been a little slower to rise in the morning. I didn’t make much of it; I’m always slow in the morning, so I attributed it to aging. Here’s a few of the other arthritis symptoms she was showing that went unnoticed.
I Thought She Was Just Being Grumpy
Laika’s always been a bit sensitive. She’s the dog that yelps when she’s getting her shots at the vet. I always warn them before I bring her in: “she’s not aggressive, but she is very vocal.”
She’s never been a fan of getting her nails trimmed either — although she will tolerate it with enough yummy carrots on hand.
Late last year I noticed she was acting like a real jerk when it was time to trim her back nails. She’d pull away, regardless of how many carrots I was holding. I assumed she was being fussy. I’d gently grab her back paw again and start the nail dremel — just to have her instantly pull away again. I had no idea that the sensitivity in her back legs had to do with arthritis.
I Didn’t Notice All The Extra Licking
Dogs are always licking one thing or another, so when my dog started licking her rear legs more I didn’t pay much attention. I was just glad she was licking her legs and not her rear end all the time.
I Didn’t Notice the “Bunny Hop”
When we were playing outside I didn’t notice the change in her gait. She runs with both back legs moving simultaneously, also known as the bunny hop gait.
Here’s a slow motion video of a dog ‘bunny hopping.’ Now when she’s running it’s all I notice, that bunny hop of hers.
The Early Signs of Arthritis Are Subtle
Many of the signs of arthritis do look like normal aging symptoms in dogs. We’re all slower to rise at some point, and many of us enjoy a nice rest more than we used to.
Arthritis in dogs is common, and unfortunately it affects quite a few of them at a young age. It’s estimated that 20% of dogs older than 1 year of age are affected, and that number increases to 80% for dogs 8 years of age or older.
The Common Signs of Arthritis in Dogs Are:
Stiffness is probably the most universally known symptom of arthritis in dogs, but there’s other signs such as “bunny hopping” and licking certain joints. Here are the most common signs of arthritis in dogs:
- Walking stiffly
- Rising slower, especially on the morning
- Limping or favoring certain limbs
- Joints appear swollen or stiff
- Experiences pain or discomfort near certain joints
- Finds certain positions uncomfortable or painful
- Loss of flexibility
- Hesitant to jump, climb stairs, or run
- Abnormal gait, “bunny hopping”
- Licking or chewing affected joint

Laika has arthritis; since it was caught early the ability to manage it without surgical intervention has improved.
Arthritis is Progressive
I do feel guilty that I wasn’t the one to suspect anything wrong with my dog. It wasn’t until my vet noticed the way she was standing that we decided to do an x-ray. And sure enough, with one x-ray we knew — Laika had arthritis. My dog had been giving me signs that something was wrong and I missed all of them.
Because the signs of arthritis are subtle at first many dogs aren’t diagnosed right away. And because they can mimic what most of consider normal “aging” symptoms such as stiffness we don’t necessarily think much of it.
The Benefits Of An Early Diagnosis
The earlier a diagnosis is made the less discomfort a dog will have to endure. Certain exercises and activities can make your dog’s arthritis worse, so it’s important to find a routine that works for them. Your vet can help you come up with a management plan that’s right for your dog.
Laika’s doing well so far, she’s on daily glucosamine supplements and we’ve been practicing a lot of low impact exercises. We’ve also added in a lot of indoor activities and brain games to help keep her busy and active throughout the day.
Have your veterinarian evaluate your dog’s joints at least every year to see what’s going on. A lot of these things we can prevent from becoming a big problem if we catch it early enough. We can work on strengthening the body and avoid surgery altogether. – James Cook DVM PhD
Laika is a 3 year old active dog. I’m still surprised by the diagnosis, but more surprised that I didn’t see it all along. I’m lucky to have a great veterinarian. I might have missed the early signs of arthritis in my dog, but my vet certainly didn’t.
Tips For Managing Your Dog’s Arthritis
If you’re dog has arthritis and you’re not sure where to start check out the following articles. They have some great tips when it comes to managing canine arthritis. And if you suspect your dog may have arthritis contact your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and management plan.
- Tips For Exercising a Dog With Arthritis
- How to Keep Your Arthritic Dog Comfortable
- Relieving Your Dog’s Arthritis
Oh, I didn’t know about the bunny hop, and now I’m going to watch to see if Ace does this. I don’t even know if he does it or not. How bad is that? It’s kind of sad that most people don’t know to watch for this, including me, and that we don’t always know when our dogs are in pain.
I do know, though, that Ace does have some arthritis. He has had it for some time. Thankfully, he’s shown some improvement with joint supplements, etc., but he definitely gets sore on walks. How old is Laika again? She is pretty young, right?
Once you notice the bunny hop it’s hard not to focus on it. She’d been doing it for ages and I never noticed though. It’s extremely common in dogs with hip dysplasia and it can be seen in other joint issues as well. Laika is 3. We’re having some decent results so far with the supplements. I know she really enjoys a nice massage after our outings now.
That’s the problem with slow onset of a problem. We adjust to the changes as they are happening and regard them as the “new normal”.
So true. It’s hard to notice things when your with dog everyday when they progress so slowly.
You’re absolutely right, the early warning signs are very subtle. Mauja is only 2, so hopefully I have a few years until I need to be on the lookout for these signs.
Wonderful information on a very important topic. Thanks so much for bringing attention to it.
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Wow, Laika is so young, I wouldn’t have been looking for signs of arthritis either. I’m glad you’re having some success with the supplements though. Haley is eight and has some arthritis that set in after a stretched ACL injury. She occasionally has a few of the other signs you mentioned also and we just started her on supplements too. It’s good to know what to look for even in a younger dog so treatment can start early. Great information!
I’m so thankful for my vet, he’s the best. I’m sure if he hadn’t noticed her posture she’d stil be undiagnosed. I was so skeptical of glucosamine at first but it’s made a big difference so far.
If you don’t mind me asking, what supplement is Laika taking? I just started Haley on a glucosamine supplement, but it’s a little early to tell if it’s making a difference. I mostly notice her being a little sore or having a slight limp late at night if she’s had an unusual amount of exercise that day.
We’re using InflamAway by Sweetwater Nutrition and it’s been working well so far. She’s been on 4 tablets a day for about 2 months now. Did you start Haley on multiple tablets or one? If you started with 4 (as a lot of them recommend) and you didn’t notice an improvement within a week I might switch to another one. I’ve read a lot of reviews saying it’s sort of like headache medicine for humans – each dog does better or worse on individual brands.
We’re trying a liquid called Rejenease which I actually won from a giveaway on Lindsay’s “That Mutt” blog. It’s our first time trying a joint supplement for Haley and so far, it seems like it might be working well, but I like to make a note of a product if someone has had success with it. Thanks for the info and I’m glad Laika is doing well on InflamAway.
That’s what my two year old rescue is doing. I’m just thinking I’m over exercising her.
The bunny hop thing would be hard for us since Dachshunds tend to “hop”, using both back legs at the same time, when they run. I am constantly worrying about Chester aging. Arthritis would be the last of my worries but top of my list as far as *real* concerns. I mentioned it to the vet last time I was in and she didn’t seem to think he was showing signs but “80% of dogs over 8” is a huge figure. I wonder if I should ask for x-rays just to make sure. If nothing else I suppose it would give us a “before” shot of his joints if he doesn’t currently have it.
It’s so hard to say if you should get xrays or not – I know it wouldn’t hurt to have them to compare each year. If your vet doesn’t think it’s necessary it’s hard to say, I’ve never had to deal with an arthritic dog before and from what my vet was saying and what I’ve researched an annual xray is done once it’s found.
The thing I find saddest about arthritis is the how slowly it can progress – if my vet didn’t notice my dogs posture I’m sure she’d still be undiagnosed. Made me realize how hard it is to catch slight changes, and the fact that they’re bred not to show weakness makes it even tougher.
Oh wow arthritis at 3. So young. I am glad you are able to help Laika early.
What a terrific article. I have Jake on an MSM/Glucosamine supplement that he takes every day. I also give him Omega 3’s everyday. Last year he over extended his knee and we had to do rehab physical therapy everyday. But he tends to only sit on one side of his butt and is stiff when walking. Although the exercises and supplements have helped, I definitely keep an eye on him. He is only THREE. We walk daily and he swims once a week to stay limber and strong.
What do you think about goats milk for dogs with arthritis? And if yes how much should you give your dog? I heard it’s very good for them. Thanks! – Kris
I actually haven’t tried it, but it’s a very good suggestion. I know a lot of the enzymes in goat’s milk that are known to help with digestive issues can also help alleviate inflammation. Unfortunately I’m not familiar with how much you should give them. The Honest Kitchen has dehydrated goat’s milk for dogs, and their feeding recommendations are 1/4 cup a day for dogs 1-30 lbs, 1/2 cup for 31-50 lbs, and 1 cup a day for dogs over 50 pounds. Not that I’m recommending that amount exactly, but it’s a good place to start (and it’s from a reputable brand that I trust).
If you do try it please let me know how it works out. I think I might pick some up later this week and try it out, and if I notice any difference I’ll add it to the post.
As I’m reading this I’m realizing this is my 3yo Husky exactly… omg … bummed but thank you for this. Whatever it takes
Thank you so much for this! I believe my 10 year old cocker spaniel has arthritis.
Are the fish oil and glucosamine human or special for doggies?
Thank you in advance
Thanks for the comment. There’s a wide variety of fish oil and glucosamine tablets that are formulated for dogs (I tend to get mine on Amazon, but I’ve seen them in my local pet store as well).
Ah, the licking! Thanks for that. We have a 6 year old Collie x Kelpie, super bright and endlessly adoring.I got her for my depressed early-retired husband and they are now a totally devoted pair, spending hours each day out on wandering adventures & making friends But she has started limping again for the 2nd time in 6 months.And I read with alarm that collies commonly get arthritis as young as 1 year, but only limp when it is REALLY bad, as being working dogs they are frantic to hide any lameness. She has been constantly licking her hind leg for the past year- the one that she is now limping on- and my husband is impatient to begin their long off leash walks again. She just lives to make him happy…but I’ll have to show him this:-(
Thank you for the info!
Our puppy is just 4 months old and is showing all of these signs 🙁 Her vet wants X-rays to figure out what is going on.
Same, 2.5 month old here with all of the signs. And seems to always be in pain. It’s devastating
How does your doggy show his/her pain please?
Ours is 3. After a couple of injuries when chasing rabbits in April, she had to go on very short leash walks for months. Today we tested her on an off lead walk, her back legs don’t look fully extended when she runs. She trots nicely though.