Holy Cow It’s Our 3 Year Blog Anniversary
2 years ago on our first anniversary I wrote that I had ‘no idea how this happened,’ and you know what? I still feel that way. It’s been 3 years and I still feel like it’s all brand new.
Laika’s a little greyer in the face, so I know time has gone by…it’s just gone by so fast.
I blogged a little in the late 90’s early 2000s (livejournal & geocities anyone?), and I wanted to try my hand at writing again. One night the name ‘Puppy Leaks’ popped into my head and I knew I just had to have it. A site about dog news called Puppy Leaks; it doesn’t get any better than that as I thought while laughing to myself.
And here were are 3 years and 470 posts later. It feels a bit surreal to say the least. It’s our 3 year blog anniversary. For real. (it was actually in June, but shhhh)
Puppy Leaks 3 Year Blog Anniversary
I still don’t know how to host a proper blogging anniversary. I don’t have any cake or prizes to give out, and I don’t have any entertaining stories about how I celebrated the date (I watched a Golden Girls marathon with Laika, and then let her have all the sticks). So I figured I’d go with the standard “blogging advice + posts from the past year” format.

It’s not everyday that you get to watch a Golden Girls marathon and have all the sticks.
There Is No ‘One Size Fits All’ When it Comes to Blogs
I don’t know that you’re reading a blogiversary post for blogging advice, but it’s the one time of year I can fit some in without feeling like a sleazeball, so I’m going to run with it.
I think the biggest lesson I learned this year is that there isn’t ‘one size fits all’ advice when it comes to blogging. There’s a ton of blogging advice out there, but you don’t have to do all of the things in order to make it work. Focus on what you want your blog to become, and then think about the steps you’ll need to take in order to get there.
Some people blog for fun, and others do it for a living. Some people blog about their personal life, and other’s give general advice. Some people blog about a subject they love, and others choose one they think is profitable. Some people make their own products, and others run ads or use affiliate links. Some people write reviews and others focus on personal essays.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to do it. Ask 5 people what the word blog itself means and you’ll get 5 different answers in return. Make yours one that means something to you.
Figure Out What You Want Your Blog to Be
For me the biggest ‘a ha’ moment came when I stopped writing about dog news and started focusing on topics that actually interested me. Writing about news was easier, but it didn’t leave me feeling like I’d accomplished anything other than rehashing what someone else had already done. For me the ability to take a broad subject or theme and make it into something of my own was much more enticing.
Define Success On Your Own Terms
We can’t reinvent the wheel, but we can try to make the internet a better place. And it’s that belief that keeps me going. I try to entertain, inform or inspire. Does it work all the time? Hell no, not even close. The majority of my traffic comes from 10 posts, so in terms of judging ‘success’ in terms of traffic alone that means 98% of my posts have been ‘failures.’
via giphy
And while 2% sounds bad on paper, those posts have enabled me to make a living writing about what I love, and there’s no way in hell I’d consider that a failure. Being able to reframe expectations can keep you from getting discouraged. Don’t let someone else’s definition of success override yours.
My biggest advice to new bloggers is to find a way to make yourself proud of what you’re doing. Focus on why you’re blogging to begin with, and find a way to make it truly yours. Write about subjects you’re passionate about to keep that interest alive. You can add in SEO and a social strategy for better results; but that stuff will only take you so far. Unless you’re interested in your own work to begin with you’ll always be at risk of burning out.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
If you’re a blogger please don’t compare yourself to others; you’re never going to win that game. (there’s always going to be someone doing better, no matter how far along you are) I did this for years, and it was always discouraging. It distracted me from what I wanted to be doing, and I ended up spreading myself thin trying to do all of the things.
Focus on what you want your blog to be, and think about the skills you bring to the table. If you’re funny make a blog that will keep people entertained. If you’re an actionable person make a blog that will inspire others. Play to your strengths, and focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t. We can’t do everything, but we can each do something.

Laika’s reactive, so I’m not taking her to the dog park anytime soon. I sewed my fingers together the last time I tried to make a pillowcase, so I’m not going to be the next great DIY dog blogger, no matter how much I wish it were so. Focus on what you can do, and work on improving on those skills.
My Favorites From the Past Year
These were some of my favorite posts to write from the last year. And looking back it seems as though I still can’t get enough of listicles.
- 15 Things No One Tells You Before Getting a Dog
I tried to exercise my funny bone and it flopped, but as a blogger you have to learn to accept flops. Failure or not it was a lot of fun to write. (and it has gifs!) - 3 Things Not to Say After Someone Loses a Dog
There isn’t one ‘right’ thing to say when someone’s grieving, but there are a lot of inappropriate ones. - 10 Ways to Help Keep Your Arthritic Dog Comfortable
The methods I’ve learned from managing Laika’s arthritis over the past 3 years. - 5 Things NOT to Do When Teaching Your Puppy Not to Bite
Here’s a list of all the stupid things I did when teaching Laika not to bite. - 10 Ways to Give Your Dog More Mental Stimulation
Don’t underestimate the power of brain games. I don’t know that any of us would have survived Laika’s adolescence without using these tips. - 10 Cool Things Science Taught Us About Dogs in 2016
A nice little roundup of some of the interesting dog studies that came out last year.
Thank You For the Support
Thank you for all of the wonderful comments, shares, and emails. And thank you for reading. The support I receive from you is what makes this possible, and I don’t have the words to express the amount of gratitude I feel. I’ve been able to make something out of writing words on the internet, and for this I’ll always be grateful.
And thank you for being a friend, traveled down the road and back again…Everyone knows a celebration isn’t a real celebration without a few references to the Golden Girls.
Wow, three years already? Isn’t amazing how much we learn doing this crazy blog thing?
BTW, I also get the most traffic for a small number of posts–they’re called evergreen posts. But remember that the other 92% of posts create the body of work that allow the 8% to get all those hits.
I’ve been blogging for 7 years and have over 1400 posts. What I’m proudest of is going back at random and never finding a single post I thought was not true to who I am. So you can guess I love the advice you give others.:)
Thanks so much. You’re absolutely right when you mentioned how much we learn doing this. The time I’ve spent on my own blog doesn’t seem like it would be 3 years yet, but when I think about all of the blogs and people I’ve met doing it it’s pretty weird to think it’s “only” been 3. I feel such a connection to the people I’ve met, and it’s weird when I think about how familiar I am with so many others after “only” 3 years.
Congratulations Jen!!! I’ve been reading your blog almost from the very beginning, and still never miss a post. Here’s to many more anniversaries to come.
And it’s very true what you said – “Unless you’re interested in your own work to begin with you’ll always be at risk of burning out.” If you write about what you love, it’s never, ever work. 🙂
Thanks so much. And I’m so glad I ended up writing about something I love, I know I would have burnt out long ago without that passion.
Congrats on three years strong. I loved reading this and the ultimate message: there is no one size fits all. Absolutely. 🙂
Keep on rockin, girl! 🙂
Congrats! Seems like you’ve been around blogging about dogs for longer! I hope you have lots of success with all your goals.
Happy 3rd Blogiversary!! I can’t believe you’ve only been blogging for 3 years, you do it so well are so accomplished and expert. Thanks for the dose of motivation, I really needed it at this time. I am always comparing myself to others, feel like I can never measure up. Thanks for reminding me that I need to just Stop It! Have fun w/ Laika celebrating your 3rd year blogging together!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thanks so much. It’s so hard not to compare ourselves to others, it’s almost impossible not to.
Personally, I liked 15 Things No One Tells You Before Getting a Dog. I may not have left a comment – but I DID laugh quite a bit throughout!
Did you really sew your fingers together? Hahahahaha!
Thanks. And yep I did sew them together; but luckily it was only a few stitches lol.