20 Great Pinterest Boards for Dog Lovers to Follow
Looking for some great dog boards to follow on Pinterest? Here’s a list of 20 Pinterest boards all dog lovers should follow.
Dog DIY Projects
Looking for some simple DIY dog toys & projects? Check out the Dog DIY Projects board for lots of great ideas & inspiration.
Best Dog-Related Pins
The Best Dog-Related Pins board features dog quotes, treat recipes, training tips & plenty of advice for all dog owners.
Puppy Leaks
Little self promotion here. The Puppy Leaks board features lots of great dog training tips & simple ways to keep your dog busy.
Pet Health Care Tips
The Pet Health Care Tips board features educational Pins with tips on on keeping our pets healthy, happy & safe.
Big Dogs Little Dogs
The Big Dogs Little Dogs board has over 10,000 pins featuring dog training tips, funny dog pictures and memes and general dog owner advice.
Homemade Dog Treats
The Homemade Dog Treats board features over 1000 awesome (and simple) dog treat recipes. I’m not a cook by any means, but even I can handle making most of these 🙂
Pet Friendly Home & Lifestyle
The Pet Friendly Home & Lifestyle board has hundreds of great ideas on how to make your home pet friendly, safe & stylish.
Dog Lover DIY
The Dog Lover DIY board is filled with hundreds of great projects & ideas all dog owners will love. From pet safe de-icer to simple pet beds, there’s a lot of great projects for dog lovers.
Dog Training Tips & Advice
Looking for some tips when it comes to training your dog? Check out the Dog Training Tips & Advice board for plenty of great dog training information.
Funny Dogs
Who doesn’t love a good dog meme? No one, that’s who. The Funny Dogs board features some of the best dog memes & funny dog photos around.
Our Pets
The Our Pets board has over 400,000 Pins celebrating all things pet related.
Healthy & Happy
The Happy & Healthy dog board is one of my favorites, and has over 40,000 pins on all dog topics ranging from doggie life hacks to dog treat recipes.
Dog Health Care & Tips
The Dog Health Care & Tips board features pins relating to general dog care advice and all dog health related topics.
Dog Lovers
The Dog Lovers board is for anyone who loves dogs. It has over 30,000 pins on topics such as dog care advice, training tips and DIY dog projects.
Dog Art
The Dog Art board features a lot of beautiful & stunning artwork that really makes me wish I could draw something more than a simple stick figure.
Dogs N Paws
Dogs N Paws is popular board all dog lovers should follow, it features over 25,000 dog related pins.
Amazing Pet Blogs
The Amazing Pet Blogs board features some of my all time favorite posts from around the web about dog health, training & tips.
Doggy Dog World
The Doggy Dog World board has thousands of Pins for all things dog related. From training tips to general care advice.
Dogs In Action
The Dogs In Action board is a great board for anyone looking for tips on keeping their dog active and healthy.
Pet Care Tips
The Pet Care Tips board features lots of practical & helpful advice – from what to do if your dog gets skunked to pet poison prevention tips.

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Be the person your dog thinks you are.