Roundup 62: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
Last week I showed you that bubble machine I bought myself got for Laika. Well I think it may have been a mistake.
She quickly figured out that the bubbles always come from the same spot. So now she stands over the machine and catches the bubbles on their way up. But there’s a slight problem with that method — the bubbles no longer fly, which is what makes them so exciting in the first place.
So now she just gets all frustrated & loud because they’re not flying like she wants…I really don’t know how to explain this one to her. I tried making her “wait” but as soon as I say “OK” she’s standing right over it again.
I might just go back to blowing bubbles manually. I mean how hard it is to just blow bubbles with a wand anyways?
Making bubbles doesn’t have to be fancy, and it shouldn’t be something that gives Laika a minor meltdown. They’re bubbles for Pete’s sake, they’re supposed to be fun.

I may not be able to explain the physics of bubbles to Laika, but she’s still my little pupperface.
Enough bubble drama, it’s time for some awesome dog stories. From how unsolicited advice can rub people the wrong way to why breed discrimination is so ridiculous, here’s some of my favorite dog articles of the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
Rant(ish): Don’t Tell Me I’m Doing Too Much With My IVDD Dog!
This really struck a chord with me. We’ve all had times where we’ve felt judged, and when it comes to the decisions we make for our pets it gets personal.
Meet The Latest Weapon Against Child Porn: Sniffer Dogs
How cool is it that these dogs have been trained to sniff out electronics? They’re trained to find USB thumb drives, memory sticks or SD cards – small storage systems that could be hiding contraband.
Stickeen: The Story of a Dog
Fascinating adventure story from 1909 about canoeing through Alaska with an endearing little dog named Stickeen.
What We Learn From Our Pets
Interesting look at the how having pets helps teach us to be more kind, compassionate, altruistic & loving.
A DIY Solution for Sharing The Bed Comfortably With Your Dog
Laika doesn’t sleep in my bed on account of her constant kicking, wiggling & night howls – but perhaps with a nifty solution like this we could work something out.
Viral Adoption Story Highlights the Absurdity of Breed Discrimination
This article does a great job explaining why breed discrimination is so ridiculous. This is the sentiment I was trying to go for with my rushed & ranty unpolished post about Diggy.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
What a sweet welcome home 🙂
“Hello Laura” or “Coca Cola?”
Slapstick humor & a robotic dog? Count me in.
She’s too smart for her own good with that bubble machine! Hahaha! Last year I bought bubbles that were peanut butter flavored and were made for dogs. I was so excited to try them out with the boys. I thought they were pretty cool because the longer that they stayed in air the thicker they got and they wouldn’t pop as easily as regular bubbles. Neither of the dogs paid any attention to them.
Great articles! I really enjoyed YDWWYW!