Roundup 56: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
After checking out the nominees for this years Nose to Nose awards I realized something:
I read a lot, but I’m still missing out on a lot of great blogs.
The posts I feature in these roundups are ones I find through my regular list of aggregator sites, google searches & social media.
Those aggregator sites bring in varying degrees of traffic, so if you’re not on there I just wanted to mention that by listing your blog on BlogLovin, Alltop & Feedly (or all three) you can have your blog seen by new people. (and I’ll have a new place to stalk you from…)
I try my hardest to read a wide variety of dog blogs, but I know I’m missing out on some.

Let dandelion season begin. Am I weird for not really being bothered by them?
From the overlooked comfort hospice veterinarians can provide to some touching tributes to some special dogs, here’s my favorite dog articles of the week. And I have to warn you that there’s a high chance of tears this week, so you might wanna have some tissues nearby.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
This is What Happens When You Try to Rescue a Dog and Have No Idea What You’re Doing
I can’t even imagine how frustrating this day would have been for me. Touching story about the state of animals in need, confusion over shelter policies & the awesome people that are out there helping to make a difference.
Water Your Grass: Finding Motivation & Training Your Dog
Excellent article about understanding that training is a continual process, and it’s a lot of hard work. When you see a well behaved dog remember that there’s a lot of practice that went on to get those results; dogs aren’t born with perfect manners.
The Persistence of Memory
Beautiful post about loss, and the ways our memories persist throughout the years.
How a Hospice Veterinarian May Have Prevented My Pet Loss Regrets
Wonderful article that highlights the comforts hospice veterinarians provide.
Saying Goodbye to Anna, the Dog Who Helped me Fight Depression
For many of us our dogs are more than “just a dog,” they’re our loyal companions that have a special way of keeping us going, even through the toughest times.
You Changed Me: I Rescued My Dog Augusta, But Really She Rescued Me
Another lovely example of how awesome the power of canine companionship can be.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
I couldn’t even imagine what a reunion after 2 years would feel like.
Snow can be pretty exciting.
Love the dog dancing in the snow!
There are a LOT of great blogs out there, and I feel like I just don’t have time to read them all!
Um…dumb question but how do you ‘list’ your blog on those sites? I have no idea…