Roundup 40 – Best Dog Articles, Deals & Videos of the Week
I’d say about 50% of the time we have snow by Thanksgiving, and it looks like this is going to be a go go snow sort of year. Today is our first snow fall of the season – somewhere between 5-8 inches are predicted. So if you’ve ever heard someone reference crazy Michigan weather now you know why.
I know one certain pup whose going to be enjoying it. (EDIT – we ended up getting 15 inches! Not bad for the first snowfall of the season)

Please keep throwing snow at me, I really really love it because I’m weird
Sit back, relax & grab a hot cup of coffee – it’s time to catch up with the week in dog. Here are my favorite dog articles, deals & videos of the week, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
Gaining Perspective Through Censorship
When I read a review online I want to know the truth. I don’t want it sugar-coated for the sake of being “polite,” I want to know the good, the bad & the ugly. A disturbing trend seems to be taking place where the authors of reviews that mention any negatives are being coerced into making changes. This recently happened to one of my favorite dog bloggers & her response is amazing. And here’s how the whole issue began.
Why You Think You Want a Puppy (But You Really, Really Don’t)
Those of us who’ve had the experience of raising puppies know how much work it is, and it’s really not my idea of a good time. Why not skip ahead to the awesome part? The part where you’ve got the perfect companion – one that’s trained and loyal. That’s what so great about adopting older pets, what you see is what you get. If you’re looking for an instant best friend consider adopting an older dog. Featured image by Lori Furaso via “My Old Dog“
The Clothes You Wear Can Affect a Dog’s Emotional State
Who knew? Something as simple as a striped shirt can make a dog more uneasy. After reading this article I was a lot less skeptical, and it made a lot of sense. Bold stripe patterns in nature are a warning – something seen on poisonous & dangerous creatures.
Your Ugly Old Sweaters Could Mean the World to a Shelter Pet
Wonderful reminder that we can’t do everything, but we can each do something. Shelter pets don’t have a lot, so giving them something nice and comfy to lay on like an old sweater makes a big difference. If you’re looking for more ways to help here’s a few more suggestions on helping animals in need.
Meet the Newest Dog on the Force – a Pit Bull
Very happy to announce that the NY police department has a new K9 rookie joining their team – a Pit Bull named Kiah. “The breed isn’t important, it’s what’s inside the dog that’s important” said Brad Croft, a military and police dog trainer. Hopefully this will help dispel some of those nasty stereotypes that have been following the breed around for decades.
Best Dog Deals of the Week
The Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals post is updated daily – so head on over there if you’re looking for some awesome deals on dog supplies.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
I think she she’s impressed.
A dog that really knows how to pose.
Have a great weekend! 🙂
There were a lot of great articles this week!