Roundup 19 – Our Favorite Dog Stories, Deals, & Videos
Laika Loves the Hose More than Her Kiddie Pool
Last week I told you about Laika peeing in her kiddie pool right after I filled it up. Well let’s just say that’s happened a few more times since then.
It’s the strangest thing – as soon as I remove the hose from the pool she jumps in and starts to tinkle. I’ve made sure to let her relieve herself beforehand but something about that pool makes her pee. She’s more interested in the hose anyways; so at least she gets to enjoy that.

Still loves the hose; still peeing in the pool.
I Wrote an Article For Positively
I usually don’t like to ask for help but if you have a second I’d absolutely love it if you checked out How to Keep You Dog Calm After Surgery I wrote for Victoria Stilwell’s site. To see something I wrote published on that site is beyond amazing; she’s been one of my heroes for many years and it feels so surreal.
I hope you have get to kick back and relax with some nice reads this weekend. Here’s our favorite dog stories, deals, and videos of the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Our Favorite Dog Stories of the Week
Removing Breed Labels: Easier Than You Think
This is a very cool “experiment” to see what happens when you remove the breed labels from adoption kennels. They’re seeing a lot of success with people focusing more on the dog rather than the perceived breed.
I Don’t Call Myself a Dog Mom, But I Don’t Care if You Do
Beautifully written response to the “No, Your Dog is Not Your Baby” post that has been making the rounds lately. Sums up perfectly how I (and many others) felt after reading the overly critical article.
Parenting Pets vs Parenting Humans: Can We Call a Truce?
Another amazing look at the debate over using the term “pet parents” that’s been going on recently. Great look at the arguments from both sides and the need for support for one another – not competition.
My Life With a Malinois
An honest look at what it’s like to own a Belgian Malinois. Wonderful reminder to take the time and do your research before deciding on adding a dog to the family. Very timely because the movie “Saving Max” starring a Malinois comes out June 26; here’s a great video that explains “101 Dalmatians Syndrome” and what it could mean for the Malinois.
Effectiveness of Rewards & Punishment in Dog Training
Results from a recent study of 364 that seems to confirm other reports in scientific studies that show reward based training is more effective than punishment based training.
Not All “Choices” Are Equal
Amazing in-depth look at giving our animals choices when it comes to training. Goes into detail on the differences between choices and preferences and the many types of choices available.
Autopsy Carried Out on World’s Oldest Dog Mummified by Ice
Scientists performed an autopsy on a 12,450 year old mummified dog that was found in 2011. The study aims to find if this dog is an ancestor of modern day domestic pets.
Is Your Dog Depressed? Then Look at Your Own Behavior
Cases of canine anxiety and depression seem to be on the rise and this article takes a look at some of the possibilities for this shift.
8 Million Dog Mummies Found in Mass Grave
Evidence has been found of ancient animal cults next to the sacred tomb of Anubis. In addition to canine mummies they found the mummies of jackals, foxes, falcons, cats and mongoose, although about 92 percent of the remains belonged to dogs, they found.
And that cute image above? It’s from the photo post If Your Dog Had a Summer Bucket List.
Best Dog Deals of the Week
- Best Bully Sticks – 15% off w/code SUMMERSALE thru 06/26
- 220 Pet Waste Bags + FREE Bone Dispenser 56% off at Amazon
- FURminator DeShedding Tool Long Hair/Large 44% off at Amazon
Lambswool Tug w/Squeaker Toy 40%off at Petco
Best Dog Videos of the Week
This is beyond cute.
I think the Greyhound might be my spirit animal.
Such a good watchdog.
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I’ll go check out your post about how to keep your dog your calm after surgery. I remember dogs (and cats) waking up and freaking out after surgery. Immediately after anyways. That was back when isoflurane was used more. It’s amazing the difference I noticed when we started using sevoflurane. And I know my daughter would probably love to jump on the bed with that dog! Adorable! =D
Great roundup! So many of my favorite articles made it this week! 😀 Congrats for being on Victoria Stilwell’s site!! 😀
Thanks so much for including our article in your roundup! -Kristen-well minded
Thank you for the awesome post 🙂
I read some of these articles and can’t get over how that pitbull can jump. Awesome article roundup.
Thank you so much; the pitbull is just so cute
congrats- I did check out your article on Victoria’s site. You write really well and I love her and her site (had the pleasure of meeting her a few times here in Toronto). Wish I could go and spend time with her with Kilo. Have a great weekend. S
These are great stories and videos. Thanks for sharing!
Lol that is so weird and funny that she pees in the kiddie pool!
Another great Roundup this week! I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to get so much great info from one post. You do such a good job with sharing the valuable and relevant stories that everyone wants to read about. Congratulations too on your post on Victoria Stilwell’s site, that’s fantastic! I read the post, it was awesome as usual, so I commented over there too. 🙂
Thank you so much; I love being able to have a place to link some of my favorite stories for sure – it makes it easier to go back and find them later for reference 🙂
Very good roundup, Jen – I had not read several of these articles.
Great roundup of articles, thanks! We can always count on you to provide a great selection of articles. Your article on Victoria’s site is terrific and what an honor to be selected to appear on her site!
The video of the pit bull and the kids jumping together is too cute!
OK, there are lots of interesting articles in here I’m going to have to come back and read. Great selection. I did real the Animal Farm Foundation blog post and have something to post about that myself for tomorrow. I love the idea! Of course, it has to be done right with lots of opportunity for discussion with potential adopters so they don’t feel like they’re getting “tricked.”
I also loved the post from Rubicon Days about not using the term “dog mom.” I could relate to that, and I checked out the post she referenced from the other blogger. I don’t really use the term “dog mom” either, but I could care less if others want to use it. Good grief!
Thanks so much for including my dog mom post, Jen! I loved so many of the other posts you included, finding the one about removing breed labels especially interesting.