Why Do Dogs Like to Cuddle?
Does your dog like to cuddle? My dog certainly does, and she’s quite happy being a 70 pound lap dog. But not all of my previous dogs were big on cuddling. What makes her different? Why didn’t my other dogs love to cuddle?
And before we begin I want to clarify one thing; this article is about dogs & cuddling, not hugging. There’s plenty of controversy over whether or not dogs like hugs. This isn’t about that.
This is about cuddling. Those moments when our dogs choose to be right next to us, the times when our dogs initiate closeness to us. So why do dogs like to cuddle anyway?
Dogs Like Cuddling Because It Provides Warmth
Why do dogs like to cuddle? The biggest clue as to why dogs enjoy cuddling comes from the definition itself: “to cuddle is to hold close for warmth or comfort or in affection.”
If you’ve ever seen a puppy pile you know how adorable it is. But aside from being the cutest thing ever, the behavior makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Puppies snuggle with one another to keep warm. When you get cold you can snuggle up under a blanket or put on some extra layer, for our dogs it’s not quite that simple.
Cuddling with humans was an important part of canine domestication. Early dogs helped us hunt and alerted us to danger, but we also helped each other out by cuddling and keeping each other warm. In fact, the term “three dog night” refers to those really cold nights when humans had to cuddle up with 3 dogs to keep from freezing to death.

For thousands of years dogs and humans have been cuddling up with each other to stay warm.
Dogs Like to Cuddle Because It Provides Affection
When it comes to dogs cuddling isn’t just about warmth — it’s also a way to show affection. Cuddling, and showing affection in general, is one way in which our dogs strengthen their bond with us. Researchers have even found that bonding with their owners is more important to dogs than it is to other pets (sorry cat lovers).
The long evolutionary relationship we’ve had with dogs has reinforced many of the traits we see today in our pet dogs. We have a very intimate bond with our dogs, and that feeling seems to be mutual. There’s a special bond between humans and dogs, and it’s demonstrated by the amount of affection we show one another, and that includes cuddling up together.
The Science Behind Why Dogs Cuddle
Cuddling is also a great stress reliever. Petting and talking to a dog for just a few minutes has been shown to increase oxytocin levels in both dogs and humans. Oxytocin, often referred to as the love hormone, is associated with social bonding and trust. New research found that human-dog interactions can elicit the same positive hormonal response that mothers have with their infants.
Mutual gazing had a profound effect on both the dogs and their owners. Of the duos that had spent the greatest amount of time looking into each other’s eyes, both male and female dogs experienced a 130% rise in oxytocin levels, and both male and female owners a 300% increase. – How Dogs Stole Our Hearts
Researchers suggest that the strong ability of dogs to bond with humans played a crucial role in their domestication. The theory is that in the wild the dogs that were able to bond with humans were the ones that received human care and protection. And yes, much of that bonding surely included cuddles.

The ability of dogs to bond with their owners is thought to be a major role in their domestication.
Why Do Some Dogs Cuddle More Than Others?
So why do some dogs like to cuddle more than others? Well genetics is certainly one part of it. Some dog breeds have been bred to be independent and less affectionate, while others are bred for the opposite.
Certain breeds such as the Maltese, Pomeranian and Yorkshire Terrier have been bred to be lap dogs. Lap dogs are small enough to be held in our lap, and to have a temperament predisposed to be big cuddlers.
But there’s more than just genetics at work. Some dogs are just more affectionate than others. Some dogs don’t cuddle much, if at all. My previous dog Carter had a funny way of showing affection. He was a total velcro dog (followed me around everywhere), yet he wasn’t fond of cuddling. At least not when touching was involved.
He’d get up on the couch with me, but he’d stay a few inches away. I called it his ‘personal space’ issue. Now when bad weather was on the way? He’d jump into my lap in a heartbeat. So he’d still come to me for comfort when he was afraid, but daily cuddles weren’t his thing.
Dogs have their own unique personalities, and not all of them are super cuddly or affectionate. Dogs are just like people in that way; some people love hugs, and other are a little more standoffish.
Why Your Dog Cuddles Less in the Summer
Some dogs don’t like to cuddle because of the heat. Laika loves to cuddle, but there’s a definite slow down when it comes to cuddle time in the summer. Our dogs have a higher body temperature than we do, and it’s harder for them to cool down. And since cuddling produces a lot of heat your dog might not cuddle much when it’s hot out because they’re just trying to keep cool.

Does your dog cuddle less in the summer? Don’t take it personally, your dog is just trying to keep cool.
Does Your Dog Like to Cuddle?
Is your dog super affectionate? Does your dog cuddle with you on a daily basis? Do you enjoy cuddling up with your dog in the winter? Let me know in the comments below.

Please share with your friends 🙂
Great read! Cuddling your dog is not just good for your dog but it is also great for you.
My lab corgi mix is a big cuddler. I think we both enjoy this. He jumps up for a hug! I must say, I love it! He will do this with others too- my husband & close friends too. Thanks for the article
Jesus loves you and died for your sins! He saved me and can save you too! -staci young
We have a lab. He cuddles like no other. He always snuggles in bed or while on the couch. He stands between our legs and follows us everywhere we go. We couldn’t live him more.
He will sometimes stare you in the eyes. We always tell him we’re having a contest to see who blinks first.
He certainly is a huge part of our family !
Your dog Carter was just like my Linus. Linus follows me around the house and always wants to be near me, but always wants a little personal space unless he gets scared then he’s in my lap (not so comfortable since he’s about 60 pounds). We usually have Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers. All of the Goldens like to be right up against you. The Labs have ranged anywhere from very affectionate to very independent.
Yeah the whole personal space was new to me, glad to know I’m not the only one. Before that all of my dogs had a ‘hey, human lap is empty let’s go!’ policy.
My German Shepherd/ Ridgeback mix loves to cuddle, she is always by my side and when we lay in bed she puts her head on my shoulder. My wife and I joke that she’s a second wife and we call her a sister wife.
Love this. So does my redbone. She’s 50 lbs. and is always sitting on my lap. And has her head on my arm/shoulder at night. But I love it. And the term sister wife. Is a term we used for n a friend. Why this caught my eye.
Out 70 lb pit bull thinks shes a lap dog and we LOVE it.
My 65lb pittie is the same! If he can be next to me he is at all time, I do love his cuddles.
This is great!
As much as I LOVE cuddles with my dog, I certainly have a better understanding as to why he does what he does!… It’s not just because he’s in love with me and thinks I’m brilliant! 🙂
Well you know the warmth is only ONE reason, the love and brilliance is two so they pretty much outweigh the other 🙂
My girl’s definately a cuddler! She’s currently asleep on my thigh,but she’s a big fan of pressing her head into our chests whenever we get home from work. A 25kg (55lb) lap dog that’s Piper. She also likes to sit on you and pretend you don’t exist. Kind of a drama queen, this one!
LOL at sitting on and you and pretending you don’t exist.
I had a Doberman that had a clever way of sitting in your lap when you were in a chair. She would stMd in front of you, facing away, then back up so her back end was in your lap with her front paws still on the floor!
They’re so clever aren’t they? 🙂
My dobbie did the exact same thing!
I had a beagle named Beavis. He would spend most of his time in my recliner stretched out on the side of me. He loved to be pulled close and cuddled. He was sweet. I miss him!
Aww that’s so sweet, and it reminds me of my childhood dog named Bear who did that. He was a Lab but we still made it work 🙂
Our Yorker-poodle enjoy cuddling and following me everywhere
About a month ago I got my first dog since being an adult on my own. She’s half pit, but extremely small, even for a mix (~25 lbs). She loooooves to cuddle more than any dog I’ve ever met. I force her to sit on her own sometimes out of fear that she’ll develop separation anxiety. As I type this, I’m curled up on the couch and she’s got her head propped up just above my knee. Such a sweet dog.
That’s so cute, she sounds so sweet. I used to worry about my dog Laika developing separation anxiety as well; she loves cuddles more than any dog I’ve had before. I think some dogs are just way more affectionate than others, especially lap dogs 🙂
I have a Yorkshire (my boy) and a Penkengese mix (my girl). My Yorkshire is quite independant but cuddles when he likes it. But my girl likes it VERY much. Honestly I’m taking advantage of the situation. She likes to be kissed, give kisses, to be petted, to cuddle and to be cuddled. What can a Doglover like me could ask for more? I had a male and 3 females of my own and this little heart on four legs is the cherry on the cake! Love that.
Awww, that’s so sweet. I’d be taking advantage of it too 🙂
A very good article. Covers a variety aspects of dog cuddling and bonding. Dogs are as much individuals as humans even within their own breed. We have rescued seven sheepdogs and everyone had a different personality.
My English bull terrier LOVES to cuddle..he actually puts his legs around you and sleeps nose to nose…He’s the best …AND YES IT CERTAINLY DOES MAKE HIM LOVEABLE …we humans are so lucky to have our bristly pals
Couldn’t agree more. One of my favorite sayings is “what did we do to deserve dogs?” I don’t know the answer, but I’m so glad we have them as our friends.
Cool article! We got two dogs, an old Munsterlander lady named Aika and a young male Bernese-Mix named Bodo. Aika has gotten lazy over the years and just chills and sleeps all day long. But she’s kinda a queen and insists on her cuddle time. She rubs her butt against you till you scrub it or shoves her head with all her force under your arm. Bodo likes to cuddle to, but he’s clumsy and can’t bear so long. He cuddles for a few minutes and then trie’s to start a play fight. But he’s perfect for warm winter cuddles. Feels like you’re cuddling a fluffy stove!
I love that she insists on cuddle time; my dog does the same thing lol.
I recently adopted my first ever dog, who I am still not sure what he is (the shelter said Korean jindo but he behaves like a Kai Ken), but after getting over his time in Korea (as livestock), he is happy and loves to take long walks. He has a really wierd habbit. Yuki loves sleeping on the bed (after some help because he cant reach) but he stays a few inches away from me, but when i wake up the next morning he is often against or on top of me, its cute, but i find it a bit odd
Awww that’s such a cute surprise to wake up to 🙂
I have a great Pyrenees who is not into cuddling and is very standoffish and independent during the day. But every single when the alarm goes off, she comes into bed and demands cuddles even though she doesn’t sleep with me. We cuddle for a half hour to an hour and she just loves to lay her head on my shoulder, nuzzle against me, get petted, and get belly rubs. It’s very endearing.
I have a 6 old male Doberman that I rescued when he was 6 months old, he is so cuddly and affectionate that he can never ever get enough of cuddles or kisses. He just loves being kissed and hugged and leaning against one .If I just look at him, he immediately starts wagging his tail and if he is asleep and you walk past him and kiss him or touch him he will purrr like a cat , turning on his back for more cuddles. My previous male Doberman of 14 years was very similar. I consider myself so lucky and honoured to have (had) such great companions.
My dog, ace, loves to cuddle. On a daily basis. If I even sit or lay down he’s right there either on me or right next to me. He has no awareness of personal space. But that’s okay with me cuz I love to cuddle with my puppy.
As I sit here on my couch reading this article I have a 53 lb (4 y/o) dog laying on my lap, an 85 lb (12 y/o) dog half on my lap and half pushed in to my side/hind end and a 27 lb (12 week old) puppy laying on top of my legs/feet….I would say my pups like to cuddle lol
I woke up this morning to a dog in my face. She didnt move there i apparantly wanted cuddles at somepoint during the night.
Yes. My dog has to be half way on top of my, up close and personal. Belly to belly, face to face, using my pillows. Paws over my body. I have a love hat relationship with it. My dog has pretty bad anxiety and hates being away from me. I think his anxiety is worse than mine. Lol
This is so true. My dog yogi likes his personal space but follows me around everywhere and my other dog ferdinand does the same but hops in my lap and lays all over me any chance he gets
Phoenix loves cuddling with me and follows me around every where… She is very affectionate.
My dog Boris, a girl, is a bull mastiff and she loves hugs, cuddling, she tries to climb into my lap and she always lays her head in my lap. She is my big ol’ cuddle bug. Now my dog Bob, a girl, not so much with the cuddling until she hears thunder. But she loves to be pet and will nudge at your hand every chance she gets. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed this read
Our mastiff x lab likes to cuddle CONSTA TLY, if you’re on the couch he must be on you.
My Chihuahua mix loves to cuddle, and it’s not just for warmth. I always have a blanket available he can burrow himself in, but he’s happiest when he’s under a blanket and half on top of me as well, or in my lap. When he’s walking, he’ll stop and whine if he wants me to hold him for a minute, almost as if he just needs some reassurance from being close to me. He also sleeps with me every night, pressed as close to me as he can get. I don’t mind! I like cuddles too:)
I’ve two cuddly babies, missey I’ve had from 8wks old and she is coming up to her 11th year, prince a rescue that I’ve had just over 3 yrs and is aged I think around 7-8yrs, both Staffordshire bull terriers.
Both have to be wherever I am and as soon as I sit my lap becomes engulfed in dogs, one either side and heads and paws on me, at night they sleep at the bottom of the bed and have to be touching me. Even better is the way they love and cuddle each other, never seen so much love
My corgi Dexter is just infatuated with my mother and is constantly trying to cuddle with her. He lays his head on her lap whenever she sits near him, and will bat her with his paw constantly to beg her for attention. He is a huge mama’s boy and it’s very obvious from how much he initiates cuddle time. He’s not as affectionate with the rest of our family, and he may cling to her more because she talks to him a lot and he likes the socialization and bonds with her more because of it. He’s honestly been pretty cuddly ever since he was a puppy, my dad actually picked him out because he fell asleep on my dad’s lap, and we just had to have him after that. Our other corgi, Midge, is not so cuddly—she’s very aloof and will often try to avoid cuddles. She is still a nice and friendly dog but just doesn’t prefer having a lot of attention unless it’s playtime. Unlike Dexter, she doesn’t like kisses or too much petting unless she hasn’t been around us for a while. She also wants nothing to do with us when she is scared, she wants to be alone. She is 13 and has sort of been this way since she was a puppy as well. It’s funny how two dogs of the same breed can be so different in personality.
my dog Harley and I cuddle so close he is like my newborn baby every single day. he always wants to be with my and look at me and i love every second it it. ❤️
my chorgi is laying with her head on my stomach right now if im home she doesnt leave my side or lap cant even go to the bathroom in peace but i love her
I have three (all rescue dogs…I’m a firm believer in rescues). One is a purebred toy min-pin, one is a min-pin/chihuahua mix, and one is a pug/chihuahua mix. I listed them from smallest to largest. Now the smallest is a cuddler, but definitely a personal-space cuddler. The middle one is a standoffish (unless I”m lying down on the couch, in which case my side from hip to shoulder is HIS canine-posturepedic!) unless he’s sick. And my largest one is the worlds BIGGEST cuddler….always in my lap, loves being hugged and smooched on (and I’m not reading anything into him….he gets ready for hugs/smooches, he’ll headbutt for hugs not stopping till he gets one and will literally push his face against your mouth till you make kissy noises). Unless you have food or they’re jealous of the attention the others or a computer is getting, in which case they ALL want in the lap at the same time. ROFL
Our dog, Gaby, was only cuddly with my daughter who was 5 when we adopted her. When I say cuddly I mean my daughter wrapped around her like ivy to a wall and Gaby wouldn’t move all night. She loved us all but she’d only cuddle with her girl.
Loved all of these comments! I have 2 Yorkies, my first small dogs and love them both. They are retired from breeding from a wonderful breeder who loves her dogs. My Jaxson cuddles but he likes his space. Cali is a love bug and she is funny. She came to me a few months after Jaxson but seems to think she’s in charge. She’s afraid of thunder and wraps herself around my arm before the storm arrives. If I’m not well Cali is aware and stays with me. Jaxson is always close too and snuggles more during down times. One thing I’d never seen until recently Cali plays a little game of looking at me and looking away quickly as if embarressed by being caught looking and then looking back. This can go on for fifteen or twenty minutes. She bounces towards me and away too. She’s so funny and I’m sure she loves the attention too. Pure joy!
I’m so blessed to have these two fur babies and all their love ❤️ Thank you for reading this.
My dog Rose has always been attached to me, even when I go to the bathroom, she litterally has to be touching me. She sits with me in the recliner, follows me from room to room and had always slept with me until I moved in with my boyfriend who does not approve of dogs being in the bed. I feel really bad and know she doesn’t like having to sleep on the floor but she has her own bed next to ours and gets to sleep in our room with us
I have a 14 year old German Shepherd who loves hugs and when he is feeling good he likes to cuddle, he is my shadow, a d 2 years ago he was diagnosed with cancer, he’s been a trooper, but he is starting to have trouble walking. I don’t know what I will do without Marco (I forgot to mention his name earlier) I have had him since the day he was born. We communicate without words quite often and when he was younger he would actually bring me home presents that he had stolen from my neighbors, everything from a watering can to a pair of timberland boots and even a hacksaw lol. He figured out how to open the fridge and then open the draw where the deli meat was, he shared with my other dogs who have since passed away. It got so bad that after he stole a $ 58 prime rib, we had to put a chain and padlock around the fridge, thank God he outgrew that. I feel truly blessed to have had such,a smart wonderful, and oh yeah did I mention handsome companion. He will be greatly missed when he has to leave me.
I have a rescued rat terrier mix, Pete. He has been a grateful lovebug since day 1. He seems to love my husband and I about equally, and runs back and forth for long cuddle sessions. He has fallen asleep on my chest for hours at a time, like a newborn, and gives my husband endless kisses. We’ve never seen a dog like him!!
My pitbull (a rescue) LOVES to cuddle and thinks she’s a 60lb lap dog. Especially when its bed time she has to be pressed up against my body, if I roll over she scoots closer to make sure she’s always spooning with me.i think some of this might be because she was adopted and returned to the shelter 3 times before I brought her home and she’s got a degree of abandonment issues from it.
I have a little 2.3 pound Yorky. And she is definitely a cuddler. We think the cutest part is is that when she’s ready for you to pick her up which is pretty much all the time she turns her little Rear end to you and starts in reverse until she bumped into you and you pick her up.
I definitely love having a cuddling dog.
My Dog Marilyn Monroe. Yes named after my Idol. Loves to cuddle. She is always on my lap. On the couch. When I am in bed laying down playing games on my tablet. When I go to bed she sleeps with me on my pillow. I love her very much. I know she feels the same about me to. I am so Happy to have her. I know that I am blessed to have her.
My wife and I got a Bearded Collie puppy 4 years ago. In many ways our relationships with her are quite different. She follows my wife around a lot, but she likes to have me give her chest and tummy rubs whenever we can. She especially likes that for the 10 minutes as we all go to bed, and then she gets off the bed to sleep on the floor. When I am sitting in my easy chair she comes up to my knees and puts her head down into my knees and likes to have me put and scratch her up and down on both sides of her neck, then shoiulders, front and back, then she wiggles around to get my scratching to along her back to her tail, then she will slide into a sit and want me to scratch and pet her chest for a while, then she slides to her back for chest and belly rub. When I rub her belly she looks absolutely ecstatic. I am sure I enjoy it as much as she does. I am 74 and have never been this close to a dog before – what a gift!
My husband and I got a 7 yo Rescue Kelpie about 5 months ago, she is the most snuggly, affectionate dog ever. Took her a while to get over her fear of hubbie (she’s frightened of men in general) but you should see her now! Daddy pats are requested with a light paw tap, much lap sitting and snuggling on the couch occurs multiple times per day. Of course she loves her Mummy too, but so nice to see her relax and stop being afraid of her hooman Daddy.
Dogs like cuddles because they soothe them and their humans as well. what’s better than this?
I have 2 dogs who love to cuddle and 2 who tolerate it. I’ve only had one who hated it, and we slowly got her used to hugs because she adored children so much, and they want to hug. Now, she loves kid hugs but just tolerates us. https://esacare.com/30-most-in-demand-pet-influencers-you-should-follow/
I know the other two like cuddling because one puts his paws around me and presses his cheek against me, and the other puts his face in the crook of my arm and won’t leave until I’ve put my arms around him and my cheek on his head for a minute
Love my dog, Ferdinand. We cuddle daily and he’s a great comfort to me. Also love that sweet, homey smell some dogs have when you cuddle them. ❤️
we have a cockalier, my wife works out of town during the week. as soon as she leaves for work sunday night. he runs right up into my lap and cuddles while im watching tv sitting up in bed. she doesnt allow this while she is home. so thats the funny part. also, he does not attempt to cuddle while she is home. lol. kinda like he knows she doesnt approve so he wont try. but as soon as she leaves, he gets all excited and happy (not because he doesnt like her, he actually seems to love her more than me 😁🤭, for the most part) and knows its time for cuddly time. heck , i have even found myself petting him alot more and once in a while a nice massage for him. and once in while he will turn over to get his belly rubbed. so i tease my wife and take pictures of me and him cuddling and send them to her. and of course get yelled at by her for spoiling him. 😁😋
Uh oh!! Your secret is revealed!!! Lol so sweet
My best gal pal is a boxer and she loves to lay out on our daybed poolside and we live in Houton Texas so despite how hot it may be as soon as I even sit down it’s game over cuddle time it is or else I get the cold shoulder. At night she will tell me when it’s time for bedtime/cuddle time lol thumbs up on this post and it’s so great to see all the love and care people have for their four legged family members especially in the crazy sometimes not so pretty world we live in.
I enjoyed this article, and I can relate to it 100%. I have had chihuahuas for twenty years, and I have to tell you, I also suffer from PTSD and my dog has been instrumental in keeping me grounded. My first girl died of a heart attack, and I only went three days before I had to have a new partner. Now, my little girl is named Bella Velcro, for the obvious reasons. I am eighty years old, and my dog is on me, by me, or sleeping in my face ha ha! She loves me unconditionally and apart from my good wife of 54 years, she is my best friend. Cuddle? We always cuddle…. stare into each other’s eyes? Always!
A person who has never had a dog in their life, has just never experienced love like this…. I literally wouldn’t know what to do without her…. I am a veteran, and don’t care who sees me loving my little dog!
Oh I don’t agree with you about cats not wanting to cuddle mine did all the time.
My dog Walter, a terrier mix, has to be touching me when I am sleeping and at times I find myself almost falling off the bed.
The really funny thing about him is when I sit on my recliner, which is a two seater, he will not sit next to me, instead he will stare at me till I raise the foot rest up then he climbs up and lays between my legs. One crazy dog but so happy to have him in my life.
This was an awesome read! My 90 pound pitbull “Scooby” loves to cuddle. He will snuggle up to anyone on the couch or on the bed. So much so, I decided to Google the cuddle behavior and found this article. Learned a lot from it, thank you!
Great article. In your mention of lap dogs Don’t forget to mention Cavapoos!! Aka The ultimate lap dog cuddle monsters!!! They would be the last ones standing on the couch next to a Pom
Part King Charles Cavalier part Poodle our Camila loooves to cuddle!
So wonderful to see all the pet parents’ messages. We are all full of oxytocin !!!
What a great article. When you mention lap dogs don’t forget King Charles Cavaliers. They were bred for human connection. We have a 10 month old F1 Cavapoo and she’s the ultimate cuddle monster. She sits in my lap while I virtually reach and follows me everywhere. She’s wedged between my legs and the back of the couch as I write this! Blessings to all the pet parents and your fur babies here. Love on your doggies and cats💕💕
Woops- typo- virtually teach not reach . Lol
I wish I had a dog to cuddle with… 🙁