Halloween Safety Tips for Your Dog
My dog doesn’t like Halloween, and she’s not alone. Many dogs experience extra anxiety and stress on Halloween due to all the extra commotion and chaos.
Halloween is usually pretty loud and chaotic, much different from any other “normal” day. Be aware that all those fun Halloween activities we enjoy might be stressful for your dog. You can help keep your dog safe and comfortable on Halloween by following a few safety tips and precautions.
Halloween Safety Tips For Your Dog
Not all dogs love Halloween, in fact many find it extremely stressful. I have no idea what dog thinks when a bunch of people in scary costumes start coming up to our door once a year — but I do know it stresses her out. Are you going to be passing out candy this year or hosting a Halloween party? Will all the extra festivities make them anxious?
You know your dog best. Plan ahead and think of how you can make Halloween more comfortable for your dog. Here’s 7 tips to help keep your dog safe on Halloween.
7 Dog Costume Safety Tips
Pet costumes have risen in popularity over the past decade. Americans will spend an estimated $350 million this year on pet costumes — that’s a 40% increase from 2 years ago.
Dressing up your dog for Halloween can be a lot of fun, but remember to keep your dog’s comfort in mind. If you’re planning on dressing up your dog this year keep these basic safety precautions in mind.
1. Watch For Signs Of Stress & Anxiety In Your Dog
If your dog doesn’t like their costume don’t make them wear it. Not all dogs are fans of dressing up in elaborate costumes. If your dog doesn’t like wearing all that extra stuff opt for a simple Halloween themed collar or bandana.
2. Check Dog Costumes For Loose Parts
Any ribbons, buttons or beads on dog costumes can cause potential choking hazards for your dog. Keep an eye on your dog when they’re in their costume — some dogs have a tendency to want to rip anything to shreds, including pesky costumes.
3. Ensure Your Dog’s Costume Fits Correctly
Dog costumes, as any other dog clothing, can be tricky when it comes to proper sizing. Make sure any costume you get for your pet isn’t too tight and that your dog seems comfortable.
4. Avoid Costumes With Masks
Don’t choose a costume that will limit your dogs vision or hearing. If you want to take a quick photo or two with your dog in a mask that’s one thing, but I wouldn’t recommend keeping it on while you go out trick or treating with your dog.
5. Don’t Choose a Costume That is Too Heavy or Large
Avoid costumes that will hinder your dog’s ability to urinate, defecate, eat, drink, or move freely. There’s a lot of dog costumes to choose from — pick on that your dog can be comfortable in.
6. Choose a Dog Costume That Comes in a Lightweight Material
Avoid overheating or exhaustion by sticking to costumes made from lightweight materials.
7. Keep Your Dog’s Visibility in Mind
If you’re going to go outside with your dog on Halloween make sure their costume is bright or reflective for better visibility.
And remember — if your dog doesn’t enjoy wearing costumes there are some easy alternatives; a Halloween themed bandana or collar can look just as festive.
Halloween Candy & Treats Safety Tips For Your Dog
Make sure your Halloween candy is out of reach from your dog at all times. Be careful when it comes to eating candy not to leave any wrappers behind; we all know how great dogs can be when it comes to picking up things off the floor.
Many Candies & Treats Are Toxic To Dogs
Chocolate is toxic to dogs and xylitol, which is found in many artificially sweetened candies, is also extremely toxic for canines. If you suspect your dog may have ingested anything toxic call your veterinarian or local animal emergency clinic. Xylitol poisoning can be fatal for dogs.
The ingestion of xylitol or xylitol-containing products causes a rapid release of the hormone insulin, causing a sudden decrease in the dog’s blood glucose. -Petmd
Pumpkin Can Be Good in Moderation
If you want to give your dog a special Halloween treat use some pureed pumpkin. Pumpkin is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and beta-carotene. Canned natural pumpkin and cooked pumpkin are great for dogs, and in moderation can be safely added to your dogs diet.
Pumpkin is one of my favorite ingredients to use in dog treats. Not sure what sort of treats to make? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. Here’s 10 of my favorite dog treats made with pumpkin.
Trick or Treaters Can Cause Stress for Pets
Unless you have an extremely sociable dog it’s widely suggested to keep your pets confined during the trick or treat hours. Many dogs will become overly stressed out and anxious by the constant knocking and door bell ringing.
All of the extra noise and knocking can cause a lot of extra stress on your dog during the peak Halloween hours. If you’re handing our candy by opening your door it creates the risk of your dog slipping out and escaping.
Dogs may become fearful of people in costumes, especially masks. Is your dog isn’t comfortable around visitors, strangers, masks, and loud noises it’s recommended to keep them confined to another part of your home. If you choose to confine your dog you can either put them in a separate room or use a baby gate to keep them away from the front door and remember to give them access to food and water.
If you have an overly anxious or fearful dog you might want to consult your veterinarian about the possibility of using an anti anxiety medication for Halloween.
7 Pet Halloween Decoration Safety Tips
- Dogs have a tendency to investigate anything new that enters your home. Many Halloween decorations have a potential fire or electrical hazard.
- Make sure your dog doesn’t have access to pumpkins while unsupervised. Although they’re not toxic to dogs they can cause gastrointestinal issues if ingested whole.
- Keep candles and jack-0-lanterns out of reach – make sure they’re not placed where they can be knocked over.
- Try to keep electrical cords away from places where your dog can bump into or trip over them.
- If you have a dog that loves to chew (especially puppies) don’t leave them unsupervised while you have your decorations plugged in to avoid electric shock.
- Avoid other chewing hazards by keeping your extra Halloween decorations out of reach.
- Keep glow sticks away from your dog – they’re not highly toxic but the liquid inside of them, dibutyl phtalate,can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and salivary glands leading to excessive drooling.
Watch those tails – if your dog is anything like mine their wagging tail can knock over just about anything including candles or decorations.
Outdoor Hazards for Pets
Do not leave your dog out in the yard on Halloween – it’s going to be a stressful evening for most dogs left alone in the backyard during all the commotion. People will be running all around the neighborhood and might approach your dog without you knowing. Dogs tied up or on fenced in may become territorial if approached by strangers.
Before the trick or treating begins make sure to let your dog go outside to do it’s business. Although black cats are widely known for being targeted by cruel pranks during Halloween any pet can be at risk.
10 Tips for Trick or Treating With Your Dog
If you’re going to be trick or treating with your dog here’s a few safety tips to keep in mind:
- Make sure an adult comes along – don’t leave your dog with your children while they go door to door.
- Only take your dog along if they’re extremely well socialized and friendly around strangers and other animals.
- Is your dog OK around kids? Be aware that many children will likely run up to your dog quickly on Halloween.
- Make sure your dog has a good “leave it” command because they’re likely to come across candy or wrappers on the ground.
- Don’t forget your poop bags – don’t ruin someones Halloween by letting them step in your dogs mess.
- Keep your dog on leash at all times and make sure they have proper ID with your current information.
- Increase your visibility with reflective wear or LED leashes, collars, or harnesses.
- Don’t forget to bring along water for your dog.
- If your dog is going to be wearing a costume try it on a few times before to make sure they’re comfortable.
- Be aware of your surroundings and consider bringing another adult along – one to watch the kids and one to watch the dog.
If you have any doubts as to whether you should bring your dog along for trick or treating it’s best to leave them at home. Most dogs stay indoors for Halloween because it is a stressful time with all the extra commotion.
With some common sense and caution you can follow these Halloween safety tips and the whole family can enjoy a safe and fun holiday – even your four legged family members. Don’t force your dog to dress up or participate if they’re not comfortable – many dogs spend Halloween at home away from all the noise and there’s nothing wrong with that.
What Are You & Your Dog Doing This Halloween?
What are you doing with your dog this Halloween? Do you dress them in costumes or do you take them out trick or treating? Have you been to a Halloween parade with your dog and if so did they enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Please share with your friends 🙂
My dogs love going out on Halloween because they love any and all attention. But you make such a great point that the holiday isn’t for every dog and that’s okay. It’s better safe and low stress than sorry!
I’m guessing there’s a lot of dogs out there that aren’t comfortable with all the commotion Halloween brings about. We’re staying home and I hope anyone else who has an anxious or fearful dog will do the same; they’re well being should be taken into consideration just as every other member of the family.
Excellent information and checklists (and reality checks). My dogs freak for costumes, so we have to stay “dark” on Halloween. However, the cute picture of the puppy with a pumpkin inspired me to consider some pumpkin fun in the back yard with the dogs …
I’m going to try out some pumpkin recipes this year – I’ve never made any. There’s so many great pumpkin dog treat recipes around I don’t know where to begin 🙂
Great tips – thanks for sharing.
Great tips!!! I dress my dogs up just long enough to take photos of them, and that is it. They aren’t very fond of them, but will tolerate so I can get my photo! BOL!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
We don’t get a lot of trick or treaters in my neighborhood, so we don’t have to worry about that. I think our biggest danger is any extra Halloween candy that might be a little too attractive to dog snouts.
Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
And I’m sure the wrappers are greatly enjoyed by the cats as well 🙂
Great tips. The door bell ringing brings on barking in our house.
Halloween is insane on my block. We get so many trick-or-treaters we can’t go inside. They come to quickly–up to 600 in a night.
I’m very thankful that Honey enjoys the attention and activity. But I do wonder about other dogs in the neighborhood. Especially when they’re people drag them along on the adventure when they’re showing obvious signs of stress.
Perhaps someone needs to give out window stickers–Stressed dog here; please do not knock.
Wow you get a lot of trick-or-treaters. Setting up outside is a good idea, I hadn’t considered that. Many dogs are going to go bonkers with repeated door bell rings or knocking.
Great article and I love the links to the Halloween events! 🙂
Great tips to protect your dog on Halloween. Sophie wasn’t a fan of the holiday. Many of my neighbors decorate their homes with witches, scarecrows and animated pumpkins. She would jump every time one of these animated “people” would move or light up.
Of course, we do photo shoots with costumes, but we don’t go trick or treating or wear them to any events.
Great tips! We keep our dogs away from the door. They are excited that people are coming to the house and want to greet them, but wrangling two enthusiastic dogs and handing out candy is just too much!
I appreciate the tips. Good stuff. Thank you. My 11-month-old pup, Dylan, hates clothes of any kind, so a costume is out. However, he loves people and large crowds, so I’ll likely take him out and see what he thinks about all the kids in costumes. If he’s true to form, he’ll want to go home with each one of them. He’s TOO friendly. But I’m grateful that he likes people so well.
I know my dogs get overly exited when we have guest at home, too exited I would say. My husky in particular likes the attention he gets from kids, but he is also a escape artist and will sneak out of the house at any opportunity. As a result, I have to keep my dogs away from the commotion.
I have never put customes on my dogs, i know my dogs, and am sure they wouldn’t like it.
What a great idea for this coming Halloween! I’m planning for it. Thank you for this!
That’s a great idea. I willd efinitely going to implement this in coming Halloween holidays.