500 Of The Most Popular Dog Names
I don’t know about you, but picking out pet names can be a bit overwhelming for me. It’s hard enough to come up with a bunch of names on the spot, but finding a name that both sounds good and fits your dog’s personality? That can be rather tough.
My secret? When I need to come up with dog name ideas I check out some old fashioned name lists for inspiration. I write down a list of all the names I like, and then move onto the hard part — finding one the whole family agrees on. Now I can’t help you when it comes to finding a dog name everyone in the family will agree on, but I can give you plenty of dog name ideas for inspiration.
To help you out I’ve put together a list of 500 popular dog names. From classic and old fashioned dog names like Lady, to mythology inspired names such as Apollo, this list has a wide variety to choose from. So if you’re looking for the perfect name for your new best friend here’s 500 of the most popular dog names to help get you started.
Tip: If you’re looking for even more dog name ideas be sure to check out our list of 500 old fashioned dog names, 500 popular male dog names & 500 popular female dog names.
500 Of The Most Popular Dog Names
Female Dog Names | Male Dog Names |
Abby | Abe |
Addie | Abbott |
Alexis | Ace |
Alice | Aero |
Allie | Aiden |
Alyssa | AJ |
Amber | Albert |
Angel | Alden |
Anna | Alex |
Annie | Alfie |
Ariel | Alvin |
Ashley | Amos |
Aspen | Andy |
Athena | Angus |
Autumn | Apollo |
Ava | Archie |
Avery | Aries |
Baby | Artie |
Bailey | Ash |
Basil | Austin |
Bean | Axel |
Bella | Bailey |
Belle | Bandit |
Betsy | Barkley |
Betty | Barney |
Bianca | Baron |
Birdie | Baxter |
Biscuit | Bear |
Blondie | Beau |
Blossom | Benji |
Bonnie | Benny |
Brandy | Bentley |
Brooklyn | Billy |
Brownie | Bingo |
Buffy | Blake |
Callie | Blaze |
Camilla | Blue |
Candy | Bo |
Carla | Boomer |
Carly | Brady |
Carmela | Brody |
Casey | Brownie |
Cassie | Bruce |
Chance | Bruno |
Chanel | Brutus |
Chloe | Bubba |
Cinnamon | Buck |
Cleo | Buddy |
Coco | Buster |
Cookie | Butch |
Cricket | Buzz |
Daisy | Cain |
Dakota | Captain |
Dana | Carter |
Daphne | Cash |
Darla | Casper |
Darlene | Champ |
Delia | Chance |
Delilah | Charlie |
Destiny | Chase |
Diamond | Chester |
Diva | Chewy |
Dixie | Chico |
Dolly | Chief |
Duchess | Chip |
Eden | CJ |
Edie | Clifford |
Ella | Clyde |
Ellie | Coco |
Elsa | Cody |
Emma | Colby |
Emmy | Cooper |
Eva | Copper |
Faith | Damien |
Fanny | Dane |
Fern | Dante |
Fiona | Denver |
Foxy | Dexter |
Gabby | Diego |
Gemma | Diesel |
Georgia | Dodge |
Gia | Drew |
Gidget | Duke |
Gigi | Dylan |
Ginger | Eddie |
Goldie | Eli |
Grace | Elmer |
Gracie | Emmett |
Greta | Evan |
Gypsy | Felix |
Hailey | Finn |
Hannah | Fisher |
Harley | Flash |
Harper | Frankie |
Hazel | Freddy |
Heidi | Fritz |
Hershey | Gage |
Holly | George |
Honey | Gizmo |
Hope | Goose |
Ibby | Gordie |
Inez | Griffin |
Isabella | Gunner |
Ivy | Gus |
Izzy | Hank |
Jackie | Harley |
Jada | Harvey |
Jade | Hawkeye |
Jasmine | Henry |
Jenna | Hoss |
Jersey | Huck |
Jessie | Hunter |
Jill | Iggy |
Josie | Ivan |
Julia | Jack |
Juliet | Jackson |
Juno | Jake |
Kali | Jasper |
Kallie | Jax |
Karma | Jesse |
Kate | Joey |
Katie | Johnny |
Kayla | Judge |
Kelsey | Kane |
Khloe | King |
Kiki | Kobe |
Kira | Koda |
Koko | Lenny |
Kona | Leo |
Lacy | Leroy |
Lady | Levi |
Layla | Lewis |
Leia | Logan |
Lena | Loki |
Lexi | Louie |
Libby | Lucky |
Liberty | Luke |
Lily | Marley |
Lizzy | Marty |
Lola | Maverick |
London | Max |
Lucky | Maximus |
Lulu | Mickey |
Luna | Miles |
Mabel | Milo |
Mackenzie | Moe |
Macy | Moose |
Maddie | Morris |
Madison | Murphy |
Maggie | Ned |
Maisy | Nelson |
Mandy | Nero |
Marley | Nico |
Matilda | Noah |
Mattie | Norm |
Maya | Oakley |
Mia | Odie |
Mika | Odin |
Mila | Oliver |
Miley | Ollie |
Millie | Oreo |
Mimi | Oscar |
Minnie | Otis |
Missy | Otto |
Misty | Ozzy |
Mitzi | Pablo |
Mocha | Parker |
Molly | Peanut |
Morgan | Pepper |
Moxie | Petey |
Muffin | Porter |
Mya | Prince |
Nala | Quincy |
Nell | Radar |
Nellie | Ralph |
Nikki | Rambo |
Nina | Ranger |
Noel | Rascal |
Nola | Rebel |
Nori | Reese |
Olive | Reggie |
Olivia | Remy |
Oreo | Rex |
Paisley | Ricky |
Pandora | Rider |
Paris | Riley |
Peaches | Ringo |
Peanut | Rocco |
Pearl | Rockwell |
Pebbles | Rocky |
Penny | Romeo |
Pepper | Rosco |
Phoebe | Rudy |
Piper | Rufus |
Pippa | Rusty |
Pixie | Sam |
Polly | Sammy |
Poppy | Samson |
Precious | Sarge |
Princess | Sawyer |
Priscilla | Scooby |
Raven | Scooter |
Reese | Scout |
Riley | Scrappy |
Rose | Shadow |
Rosie | Shamus |
Roxy | Shiloh |
Ruby | Simba |
Sadie | Simon |
Sage | Smoky |
Sally | Snoopy |
Sam | Sparky |
Samantha | Spencer |
Sammie | Spike |
Sandy | Spot |
Sasha | Stanley |
Sassy | Stewie |
Savannah | Storm |
Scarlet | Taco |
Shadow | Tank |
Sheba | Taz |
Shelby | Teddy |
Shiloh | Tesla |
Sierra | Theo |
Sissy | Thor |
Sky | Titus |
Smokey | TJ |
Snickers | Toby |
Sophia | Trapper |
Sophie | Tripp |
Star | Tucker |
Stella | Tyler |
Sugar | Tyson |
Suki | Vince |
Summer | Vinnie |
Sunny | Wally |
Sweetie | Walter |
Sydney | Watson |
Tasha | Willy |
Tessa | Winston |
Tilly | Woody |
Tootsie | Wrigley |
Trixie | Wyatt |
Violet | Yogi |
Willow | Yoshi |
Winnie | Yukon |
Xena | Zane |
Zelda | Zeus |
Zoe | Ziggy |

Please share with your friends 🙂
How Did You Come Up With Your Dog’s Name?
How did you end up naming your dog? Do you stick to names that fit your pup’s personality? When it’s time to name your new best friend do you start checking out baby name lists, or is that just me? How many times have your dog name ideas been vetoed by your family? I still can’t believe the name Taco was vetoed by my family.
Laika is named after a Russian stray dog who became the first mammal to orbit Earth. Luckily my boyfriend is into space so I didn’t get vetoed on that one. But before that? I think I got vetoed by my family at least 10 times before we settled on the name Carter. Perhaps it’s just me, but finding a dog name that the whole family agrees on is always the toughest part.
And because I am not a magical dog naming wizard I can’t take credit for coming up with all of these popular dog names on my own. I got to 350 names and started to fizzle out, so I turned to the following name lists for help:
My dog’s name is unique. Her name is not in your list “ZOEY”.
I know a lot of ” Zoeys ( Zoe ) .
Maybe it is more popular in certain areas of the country ?
i have a dog named zoe
I also just got a new pup and decided on Zoey. I think it’s a beautiful name! Now I just need to learn how to train her. It’s already way harder than I thought. Wish me luck haha
I love the named ZOE
My favourite was Brownie since my dog is brown. 🙂
nice I like that name
I love dogs
That is the cutest thing o heard of all day !
buddy is my favourite name for a border terrier. but its not on the list!??
and BTW: soon I’m getting a one
I had a dog named Buddy but he passed away. He was only 5 months old. 😭
I feel so bad for you, did he die of cancer
Omg I’m so sry I have 8 dogs soon we will be Breeding 2 you could bye one btw I’m a kid I’m a dog lover and animal lover
wow, what kid of dogs do you breed?🐕
How much thus it cost?
I’m so sad to have read that and am so sorry for your loss 😭.
Me too but 4 days
Me too but 4 days old o my puppy
Good. I have a sister named Zoey
Nice article 👍☺️ ,
Broni is may dog nice name,🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕❤️😍
Cool name
I only had2 one past. So I know how it feels
I named my chocolate lab Tess. We had no intention of getting a dog but this one kind of dropped In Our lap. She was the best dog I ever had. I called her Tess because I knew she would be trouble and stressful. Didn’t matter I loved her more than any dog I ever had. Her named fit her to a “T”. She passed over the rainbow bridge. I’m getting another in a few months. I miss my Tess.
I lost my jack before Christmas miss her. Getting a new puppy in a few weeks.Dosen:t replace Bella.
I have 2 dogs my first one is white and fluffy his name is Snowball. my other dog is a Pomeranian and his name is Bakugou because Bakugou is in my favorite anime and he looks like a Pomeranian.
my dog names Luna and she
I got a new dog and i don’t have a name yet she is light brown and a chihuahua i was going to decide between princess and zoey a little help.
But really I think you should have the dog for a few days or weeks to know their personality and I’m sure it will come easy and for the time being just call her pup or puppy . Well lots of luck to you. 🐕🦺🐕🐩🦮🐈⬛🐕🦺🦮🐩🐶🙈🙉🙊
I think it is hard to pick a dog name, especially since I have 4 or 5. I base their names on their personalities ?.
My favorite dog was dayzy
Sula isn’t there either it’s an old American Indian name and it means Peaceful It’s my beautiful black shihtzus name and my other shihtzu is called Jovi I’ll leave that name without an explanation ??
Our rescue Pomeranian is named Figment. Because while I insisted I’d find him a good home I knew I would keep him. When my husband came home one nigh and saw that the dog was still here and
said “is he still here”? To which my daughter-in-law replied “no, he’s just a figment of your imagination. That’s when we found his name.
That’s classic.
I got a male Dog for and thinking to name him I found two of the best name at this place;
1. Apollo
2. Aero
I liked these two names what do you think are they perfect?
They are amazing..
But I have a few suggestions:
These are my suggestions… hope you like it..
I know that you have already named your dog..But just a suggestion ( if you are getting a new one maybe!!)
My rough collie is names is Rigby. Short for Eleanor Rigby, cute and fits her well.
My border terrier puppy is called Rigby too. He is named after the cartoon character however
what about moredkai
I like Diesel. It fits my doggo really well. Thx.
Very good !my mom says it’s a bad name
I named my female dog Palmer , he is my favorite golfer , and my dog was born not to long after he past away
i just got a dog and we names it MISTY
We had a Misty many years ago. She was a yorkie.
I named my dog after my huge crush that I have had for over 20 yrs now which is Bam after Bam Mergera the famous shater and reality TV personality.
We called out male chihuahua Radar, suited him so well. Taking longer to name our wee girl a Chihuahua Maltese cross. She is so sweet and gentle. I think she may be Sophie. We will see.
My favourite name is Archie
I think Mew is a good name? because my dog is Mew ???
My grandpupys name is Rugar, fits him perfectly
We choose our dog names from a list of over 5,000 that we’ve just put up on our website. It goes through from A-Z with some really great quirky dog name ideas, they’re sure to turn heads when you’re calling out for your dog in the park!
I think Zelda is probably quite a common one nowadays, especially considering how popular the video games have become!
Nice names, Thanks for share
I named by female boxer Sparta!!! .
Two exclamation points wasn’t enough and I thought four would just be silly.
I named my dog avoMAcado 🙂
No “Rover” or “Fido”? I hope anyone who names their dog “Dylan” or “Juliet” gets bit.
Bam bam is named after the movie finstone ?
I named my dog missy
We have had a “Ding” pet dingo, a black dog called “Zeppelin” or Zep for short, “Nitro”, “Zeus”, and “Jack” the Jack Russsell
I have names that should be listed
1. Carter
2. Grace
3. Joy
I love the name “Shadow”, cool!
Ohh i love it my dog name will be oscar ??
one Name I’d add to this list is
Kye or spelled Kia surprised it’s not on here
I just got a new puppy and also find a name here REESE, because I lost one some days ago called Greece ???
I have a dog named Kaiser (after the Kaiser Chiefs)
But I have four dog names that I really like! ^^
Female= Adda
Male= Mayco, Duke, Argo
i like dog name dogi
Hello I love all of the names but my family has different opinions than me :/ we named my puppy Reese, which she is a black labrador, and we are getting a yellow labrador in September so we are looking for names! Any ideas? Its a girl btw!
I love the name Willow
I love the name but I no need a puppy
My neighbour’s dog name is Max 🐶
My dogs name is Nux. My wife and I selected from the name of a dog in the Falco series of books by Lindsey Davies. IT was the proverbial dog that the protagonist ‘Falco’ could not get rid of and it became his dog. He called it Nux which is latin for nut.
i need help i’m getting a puppy (male) and i’m not sure what to name him i have a girl bonnie any suggestions, i like ace and baxter
hugo and pablo are great
Hey Pablo is a song
My females name is Lexa and male is Axel
My dog name is Zoe and she is a Lab Retriever
you should add
stevie nicks -girl
waylon jennings -boy
mia-bella -girl
those are all the dog names that are the same as my family’s that aren’t on the list lol <3
My dog is called vector because it’s a ravenous pit bull, and when it attacks someone I get to say you got vectored, while they bleed out on the floor and slowly die, lol !!
Haha! My dogs name is Cassie and her friend is Bruce and they are together!
I want a Chuwahaha dog so bad but my mom has a cat I would name it rocket.
I would name my dog rocket but my mom has a cat
I love Mocha!! I guess I’ll have to get a brownish dog then!
My Blenheim, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will be born in March and forever mine in May. Thinking of names! Suggestions please!!
A good name for that dog would be:
– Gizmo
– Rigby
– Rocket
– Fido
– Abeeb
– CJ
– Riley
– Mordekaiser
– Tristana
– Karma
– Lulu
– Trundle
– Tahm Kench
– Renekton
– Nasus
– Susie Boo
Name it cj
i Want to know is dog is so important. Is dogs really response to it if someone call him/her?There was any scientific issue for this.
i have a dog name summer
I love the name summer.
My dog is a blue heeler and his name is Wyatt
My dog is called Darcey and I am going to call my puppy Seb or Romesh (my favourite comedian)
im getting a dog today but i dont know what to name it
Can you name it sparky
i like the name mia
Can’t decide between Skye and Nova, what do you think is best? I heard it’s not a good idea to have “no” in the name, but I really like Nova.
I like name Oscar, because “The Office”
wow, what kid of dogs do you breed?🐕
i have a newfoundland. His name is ludo. His name came from a movie called labyrinth and there was a big drooly monster that was friendly and its name was ludo.we thought the name just work perfect!
i like austin for a boy sasha for a girl.
I like those name they are so cute
these names are terrific!
i needed one for a story and i chose austin
these names are terrific!
I am getting a brown miniture schnauzer and i have not dicided on a name but i like rocko
Please add some more pet names. I liked your pet names
buddy is on the list
My baby boy name is Bono and he is my life and I don’t know what I would do without him in my life
my mom wont let me get a dog until spring, which, if you wait till march, is 11 days and 4 months. I’m gonna get a golden retreiver!! I’ve had lots of cats in my past, but never a dog. I. Cant. Wait.
I think Blue is a good name? because my dog is Blue ???