500 Popular Female Dog Names
Getting a new dog is a fun and exciting time, but but there’s one thing I always struggle with — picking out the perfect dog name. They’re gonna have that name for life after all, so you want to make sure it’s perfect.
It’s not easy coming up with a bunch of different name ideas on the spot, and finding the one that sticks? Well that’s the real tricky part, especially knowing they’re gonna have that name for life.
You want a name that sounds good, one that fits their personality, and one that the whole family can agree on. And since finding a name that fits all of those criteria can be pretty tough I decided to put together a list of 500 popular female dog names to help get you started.
So if you’re looking for a name for your new dog you’ve come to the right place. Whether you prefer traditional, trendy, or unique names this list has something for everyone. From classic dog names like Lassie to trendy ones like Bella, here’s 500 popular female dog names.
500 Popular Female Dog Names
Abby | Ada |
Addie | Adelaide |
Adeline | Adelyn |
Adriana | Agatha |
Agnes | Alexia |
Alexis | Alice |
Allie | Alyssa |
Amari | Amber |
Amelia | Amelie |
Amina | Angel |
Angelica | Angie |
Annabell | Annie |
Anya | Ariel |
Ashley | Asia |
Aspen | Athena |
Aubrey | Autumn |
Ava | Avery |
Baby | Bailey |
Bambi | Basil |
Bea | Bean |
Bella | Bertha |
Bessie | Betsy |
Betty | Bianca |
Billie | Bindi |
Birdie | Biscuit |
Blair | Blakely |
Blanche | Blondie |
Blossom | Bonnie |
Brandy | Brielle |
Brooklyn | Brownie |
Brynn | Buffy |
Cadence | Callie |
Cameron | Camilia |
Camille | Candy |
Carla | Carly |
Carmela | Carmen |
Carolina | Carolyn |
Casey | Cassie |
Cecelia | Chance |
Chanel | Charlie |
Charlotte | Cher |
Cherry | Cheyenne |
Chica | Chloe |
Cinnamon | Clara |
Clarissa | Clementine |
Cleo | Clover |
Coco | Cookie |
Cora | Coraline |
Courtney | Cricket |
Crystal | Daisy |
Dakota | Dallas |
Dana | Daphne |
Darla | Darlene |
Delia | Delilah |
Demi | Destiny |
Diamond | Diva |
Dixie | Dolly |
Dolores | Dora |
Dorothy | Dory |
Dot | Dottie |
Duchess | Eden |
Edie | Edith |
Effie | Electra |
Elena | Eliza |
Ella | Ellie |
Eloise | Elsa |
Elsie | Ember |
Emery | Emma |
Emmy | Enid |
Erin | Esmerelda |
Estelle | Esther |
Etta | Eudora |
Eva | Evelyn |
Evie | Faith |
Fancy | Fannie |
Fantasia | Faye |
Felecity | Fern |
Fifi | Fiona |
Flo | Foxy |
Frances | Frida |
Gabby | Gemma |
Genesis | Geneva |
Georgia | Geraldine |
Gia | Gidget |
Gigi | Ginger |
Giselle | Gloria |
Goldie | Grace |
Greta | Gretchen |
Gwen | Gypsy |
Hadley | Haley |
Halle | Hallie |
Hannah | Harley |
Harlow | Harper |
Harriet | Hattie |
Haven | Hazel |
Heidi | Henley |
Hershey | Holly |
Honey | Hope |
Ibby | Ida |
Imani | Indigo |
Inez | Ingrid |
Irene | Iris |
Isabella | Isla |
Ivory | Ivy |
Izzy | Jackie |
Jada | Jade |
Jamie | Jane |
Janelle | Jasmine |
Jenna | Jersey |
Jessie | Jewel |
Joan | Jolene |
Jordan | Josie |
Journey | Joy |
Juliet | June |
Juno | Justice |
Kali | Kallie |
Kamila | Karina |
Karla | Karma |
Kate | Kay |
Kayla | Kelly |
Kelsey | Kendall |
Kennedy | Kenya |
Kiara | Kiki |
Kimmie | Kinley |
Kinsley | Kira |
Kiwi | Koko |
Kona | Lacy |
Lady | Laika |
Laney | Lassie |
Layla | Leia |
Lena | Leona |
Leslie | Lexy |
Liana | Libby |
Liberty | Lila |
Lily | Liv |
Lizzy | Lois |
Lola | London |
Lorelai | Loretta |
Lorraine | Louise |
Lovely | Lucia |
Lucille | Lucinda |
Lucky | Lucy |
Lula | Lulu |
Luna | Lydia |
Lyla | Lyric |
Mabel | Mackenzie |
Macy | Maddie |
Madeline | Madison |
Mae | Maeve |
Maggie | Maisie |
Makayla | Malia |
Mallory | Mandy |
Mango | Maple |
Mara | Margaret |
Margot | Marianna |
Marilyn | Mary |
Matilda | Maude |
Maya | Mazie |
Mckenna | Megan |
Melina | Melody |
Mia | Mika |
Mila | Miley |
Millie | Mimi |
Minnie | Miranda |
Miriam | Missy |
Mitzi | Mocha |
Molly | Morgan |
Moxie | Muffin |
Mya | Myra |
Nadia | Nala |
Nanette | Naomi |
Nell | Nellie |
Nettie | Nia |
Nikita | Nikki |
Nina | Noel |
Nola | Nora |
Nori | Norma |
Nova | Odessa |
Olive | Olivia |
Opal | Oreo |
Paige | Paisley |
Pandora | Paris |
Parker | Patsy |
Payton | Peach |
Peaches | Peanut |
Pearl | Pebbles |
Peggy | Penelope |
Penny | Pepper |
Perdia | Phoenix |
Phoebe | Piper |
Pippa | Pippy |
Pixie | Polly |
Poppy | Portia |
Precious | Princess |
Priscilla | Pumpkin |
Queen | Quinn |
Raven | Reese |
Regina | Remy |
Riley | Rio |
Rita | River |
Rosalie | Rose |
Rosemary | Rosie |
Rowan | Roxy |
Ruby | Ruth |
Ruthie | Rylie |
Sadie | Sage |
Sally | Sam |
Sammie | Sandy |
Sasha | Sassy |
Savannah | Sawyer |
Scarlet | Scout |
Selena | Selma |
Serena | Serenity |
Shadow | Sheba |
Shelby | Shiloh |
Shirley | Sienna |
Sierra | Silvia |
Sissy | Siti |
Skye | Skylar |
Smokey | Snickers |
Snookie | Snowball |
Sookie | Sophia |
Star | Starla |
Stella | Storm |
Sue | Sugar |
Suki | Summer |
Sunny | Susannah |
Susie | Sweetie |
Sydney | Sylvia |
Tabitha | Talia |
Taylor | Tessa |
Thea | Theo |
Tiana | Tilly |
Tootsie | Trixie |
Trudy | Twinkie |
Ursula | Valentine |
Valeria | Velma |
Venus | Vera |
Victoria | Viola |
Violet | Virginia |
Vivi | Vivienne |
Vixen | Whitney |
Wiggles | Willa |
Willow | Winifred |
Winnie | Winter |
Wren | Xena |
Yasmin | Yvonne |
Zara | Zelda |
Zia | Zoe |
Zola | Zuri |
Recommended Reading
Looking for more even more girl dog name ideas for your new dog? Be sure to check out the following dog name lists for more inspiration:
- 500 Popular Dog Names
- 500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
- Top 100 Girl Dog & Puppy Names
- Top 100 Male & Female Dog Names
What Are Your Favorite Female Dog Names?
What are you favorite female dog names? Do you prefer traditional, old fashioned, or unique names? Have you ever struggled with finding a name that the whole family agrees on, or is that just me? I can’t even tell you how many times my name ideas have been vetoed…
Perhaps given my own dog’s name it’s no surprise that Laika is one of my favorites. It’s a tribute to the little stray dog who became the first animal or orbit earth back in 1957. It’s short, it has a nice sound to it, and I love that it has a special meaning. And since my boyfriend is interested in all things space it got an automatic pass 🙂
Tip: If you’re looking for a few simple tips for new dog owners be sure to check out 10 ways to bond with a new dog, 33 ways to keep your dog busy indoors & 10 tips that make dog training easier.

Please share with your friends 🙂
Woohoo Princess is on the list!
We chose the name Daisy Mae Ash for our little rabbit.
Daisy is the top female dog name of 2020, taking away the number one spot from Bella for the first time in 10 years. Buddy skyrocketed to first place for male dog names. Dog name searches increased by 33 percent from March-June as dog adoption surged due to the pandemic
I love Penny
I need to choose 5 names three for girls and 2 for boys BC I already chose 2 for girls and 3 for boys but my brother isn’t liking them
Whenever i will have my first puppy i will name it as “Zola”. thanks puppyleaks for providing such a super list of dog names.
Me to
yes indeed …amen to that …. I just copied down about 30 names for my housemate to call his sweet Female Dog…. 🙂 n I give him URL if still not satisfied …tba … roof roof 🙂
We chose the name Zoe for our puppy. Thanks for posting this super cool list of puppy names, it was so hard to choose because they are all so good ?
My dad does not like any of these names lucky
same my dad said no to everything I like but when I said no to something he liked, he said well if you don’t pick a name im choosing it!
YES same thing happened with me. I chose like 30 names and he said no to every single one of them 🙁
My dogs names are Lucy and indie!
I’m getting a new puppy and this is the best place for me to choose names
My family have had many different opinions and the top ones were : Athena .Neon. Nisha. Misha . Piper Gina. Gypsy. Juno. Mae. Pixie. Skye.
I love the name. Blossom and Kamila
the names come with light and joy.
Our puppies name is nova shocked it’s not here
Nova is on the list
Nova is on the list my sisters named her dog Nova he is ten years old now
i had something similar but left me at the age of 8 years 3 months
My pup name is aceituna ❤️
our new dogs name is neither willow or Camila
Couldn’t find a name we like for our new dog
my dogs name is alfred im shocked its not on here
this is a female name list… Alfred is not a girl I suppose?
my fiancé and I are arguing playfully talking about naming our puppy peanut or Bella…. any opinions on names?
bella is so much better
Bella is the best
Bella is so over used. Everyone names their dog or kid Bella!
Lol my dogs name
Bella means beautiful in Italian.
We have 2 dogs, one is Bella the other is Mia.
the best name for a dog is Cookie
I also named my Lhasa aspo cookie
I love Luna like in Harry Potter ( Luna lovegood in ravenclaw my house ) so Whalen I get my puppy it will be named Luna
my name in PUBG is peachy but for a long time it was Peachy Luna
&yah,it is correct.Emma the actress in harry potter acting as hermione
Bonnie acting as ginny
My cousin adopted a adult dog named Luna. My cousin`s name is also Luna 🙂
Its very rare name (both human and pet) in where we come from. Amazing coincidence.
We are naming our new French Bulldog Faith!!
I need a great name for a black husky puppy
Marmite is NZ vegimite
i like cats and dogs and birds and all kinds of stuff .
Black ice
Walker and Katie
We picked Stella for our newest addition to our family
i like the name Willow IDK why
I have a German and he’s name is Reyman
my baby girl Darla is on the list!
Mine is Ruby
love these names
peanut is a cute name
I Booked my first puppy.. and she is 22 days old now, hopefully I will bring her next week and will Name as ” Aura” .
Your puppy should not be coming home until she is 8 weeks old at least, so approximately 56 days old.
Should I name my puppy cat or alligator?
I love the name Athena ❤️♥️❤️♥️
I named my puppy Hedwig (Harry Potter’s owl’s name) but it’s not on the list
My German Shepherd dog is Zena. (warrior princess)!
Named my white maltese puppy “chanel”
I named my dog Chewey
Currently I have a Tank,a Gertrude (Trudy), Weezee. They are all my babies and I love them!
I like jasmine
We have a girl named Luna and a boy named bear they are both labradoodles
my dogs name is Zola LOL
Nice name for tom
Am naming my female dog Zena🐕😍🐕
We’re getting a little black girl puppy, and her name is going to be one of these:
Kimber (after my gun LOL)
Our new girl is Molly Jo aka Nugget
My dogs name is floyd money may. Go figure why
I have Four females Bella/Beagle, Ziggy/Beagle,Alice/S.Husky and Luna/G.Retriver….and one Beagle male Eddie.☺
I love the names:
sophia maria
pumkin per
leo meo
taffy plat
How romantic you are, I feel it by choosing your name….👍🌹👍
We currently have 3 female Shih Tzu named: Gracie, Hannah & Gigi. We’ll be getting a 4th puppy at 4 months old. I’m busy making a list of possible names for hubby & me to consider. 🤗
i only have a cat 🙁
You can still use the names
Any suggestions for a tri colour female puppy kings charles pls
I had 4cavalier King Charles spaniel a tricolour we named her Sally. We also had a Ruby we named her Cindy we also had a Blenheim we named her Penny & a Black & Tan male we called him Jake Sally , Cindy & Jake where Penny’s puppies they all had a long life and I loved them all ❤️
four? i had just one to feed and take good care of the health is not an easy job.
I don’t see the name “Sachi” on this list. I’m shocked. I had an awesome golden retriever with this name. It means “happy” in Japanese, and is a common girl’s name there. It fit my dog perfectly; she was full of joy for life. I suggest you add it, pronto!!
Looking a black puppy pug name..
I have Rhonda, Bonnie, Cracker, Jojo, Daisy. From large to small. My kids usually pick the names.
my dogs names are Ozzie and Frankie
Great post. Anya was the name of our first-ever neutered Pomeranian dog. We later had more puppies with most of the names above. When we started breeding dogs, Anya deserved to be an important part of it and so we named our kennel after her.