500 Popular Male Dog Names
Getting a new dog is an exciting time, but there’s one thing I always struggle with — picking out the perfect dog name. They’re going to have that name for their entire life, so you really want to pick the right one.
It sounds simple enough, yet the process can be daunting. It’s hard enough coming up with a bunch of dog name ideas on the spot, but finding a dog name that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that the whole family can agree on? Well that’s a pretty tall order.
My trick? When I need help coming up with dog name ideas I browse through name lists for inspiration. I write down all the names I like before moving onto the really hard part — finding one that the whole family will agree on.
Now I can’t help you predict what dog name your family will agree on, but I can help you come up with lots of great male dog names to get you started. I’ve put together a list of 500 of my favorite boy dog names for inspiration. From classic dog names like Benji, to trendy names like Loki, here’s 500 popular male dog names.
500 Popular Male Dog Names
Abbott | Abe |
Ace | Achilles |
Aero | Aiden |
AJ | Albert |
Alden | Alex |
Alexander | Alfie |
Alford | Ali |
Alistar | Alvin |
Amos | Andre |
Andy | Angus |
Apollo | Archie |
Aries | Arnold |
Arthur | Artie |
Ash | Ashby |
Atlas | Augustus |
Austin | Axel |
Bailey | Bandit |
Barkley | Barney |
Baron | Barry |
Barton | Basil |
Baxter | Beans |
Bear | Beau |
Benji | Bennett |
Benny | Benson |
Bentley | Bernard |
Bertrand | Beta |
Billy | Bingo |
Blake | Blaze |
Blue | Bo |
Boomer | Bowie |
Bradford | Bradley |
Brady | Braxton |
Brigham | Brock |
Broderick | Brody |
Brogan | Bronson |
Brownie | Bruce |
Bruno | Brutus |
Bryce | Bubba |
Buck | Bucky |
Buddy | Buster |
Butch | Buzz |
Byron | Cadence |
Caesar | Cain |
Calvin | Captain |
Carlton | Carter |
Cash | Casper |
Cecil | Cedric |
Champ | Chance |
Charlie | Chase |
Chester | Chewy |
Chico | Chief |
Chip | Chips |
Cisco | CJ |
Clarence | Clark |
Clement | Clifford |
Clyde | Coco |
Cody | Colby |
Coleman | Colin |
Conrad | Cooper |
Corky | Cornelius |
Cosmo | Crawford |
Damien | Dane |
Daniel | Dante |
Darby | Darius |
Davis | Davy |
Denver | Dexter |
Diego | Diesel |
Dixon | Doc |
Dodge | Domingo |
Donnie | Donovan |
Drew | Dudley |
Duffy | Duke |
Dusty | Dylan |
Earl | Easton |
Eddie | Edgar |
Edison | Edmund |
Edward | Edwin |
Eldon | Eli |
Eliot | Elmer |
Elvis | Elway |
Emerson | Emmett |
Emory | Ernest |
Eugene | Evan |
Evander | Everett |
Ezra | Fabio |
Fang | Farley |
Felix | Felton |
Fenton | Fido |
Finley | Finn |
Fisher | Flash |
Fletcher | Floyd |
Fonzi | Forrest |
Foster | Francis |
Frank | Frankie |
Franklin | Freddy |
Frederick | Freeman |
Fritz | Gage |
George | Gerald |
Ghost | Gilbert |
Gizmo | Goose |
Gordy | Grady |
Graham | Griffin |
Grover | Gunner |
Gus | Hamilton |
Hank | Harley |
Harold | Harrison |
Harry | Hart |
Harvey | Hawkeye |
Hayes | Heath |
Hector | Henry |
Herbert | Herman |
Hilton | Hogan |
Homer | Hooch |
Hoover | Hoss |
Huck | Hudson |
Hugh | Hunter |
Hyatt | Iggy |
Igor | Ike |
Indy | Ira |
Irving | Ivan |
Ives | Jack |
Jackson | Jacob |
Jag | Jake |
James | Jameson |
Jasper | Java |
Jax | Jefferson |
Jerry | Jesse |
Jet | Jethro |
Joey | John |
Johnny | Jonas |
Joseph | Judge |
Junior | Kane |
Kendrick | Kent |
Kilo | King |
Kobe | Koda |
Kona | Lambert |
Lance | Lane |
Langston | Lars |
Lawrence | Lemuel |
Lenny | Leo |
Leonard | Leroy |
Levi | Lewis |
Liam | Lincoln |
Linus | Logan |
Loki | Louie |
Lucky | Luigi |
Luke | Luther |
Mac | Maguire |
Major | Malcolm |
Marco | Mario |
Marley | Martin |
Marty | Mason |
Maverick | Max |
Maximillian | Maximus |
Maxwell | Mccoy |
McKinley | Mercer |
Meyer | Michael |
Mickey | Milburn |
Miles | Miller |
Milo | Milton |
Moe | Mojo |
Monroe | Moose |
Morris | Mort |
Morton | Murphy |
Murray | Nacho |
Napoleon | Nash |
Ned | Nelson |
Nero | Newton |
Nico | Niles |
Noah | Norm |
Norman | Norris |
Oakley | Odie |
Odin | Oliver |
Ollie | Oreo |
Orson | Oscar |
Otis | Otto |
Overton | Owen |
Ozzy | Pablo |
Paco | Parker |
Parley | Patch |
Peanut | Pepper |
Percival | Percy |
Petey | Phillip |
Pierce | Piper |
Pogo | Pongo |
Porter | Prince |
Quincy | Quinton |
Radar | Ralph |
Rambo | Randall |
Ranger | Rascal |
Raymond | Rebel |
Reed | Reese |
Reggie | Remy |
Reuben | Rex |
Richard | Ricky |
Rider | Riley |
Ringo | Ripley |
Robert | Rocco |
Rockwell | Rocky |
Romeo | Roscoe |
Roy | Rudolph |
Rudy | Rufus |
Rupert | Russell |
Rusty | Sam |
Sammy | Samson |
Sarge | Saul |
Sawyer | Scooby |
Scooter | Scout |
Scrappy | Sebastian |
Sedrick | Shadow |
Shamus | Sheldon |
Shelton | Sherman |
Sherwood | Shiloh |
Sigmund | Silas |
Simba | Simon |
Skip | Smokey |
Snoopy | Socks |
Sparky | Spencer |
Spike | Spot |
Stanley | Stewie |
Stitch | Storm |
Stuart | Summer |
Sylvan | Taco |
Tank | Taylor |
Taz | Teddy |
Tesla | Thaddeus |
Theo | Theodore |
Thor | Thornton |
Tiller | Titus |
TJ | Tobias |
Toby | Todd |
Tot | Toto |
Trapper | Tripp |
Tristan | Truman |
Tucker | Tyler |
Tyson | Ulysses |
Vaughn | Vernon |
Victor | Vince |
Vincent | Vinnie |
Virgil | Wade |
Wallace | Wally |
Walter | Warren |
Watson | Wesley |
Wheeler | Wilbur |
William | Wilson |
Winston | Woody |
Wyatt | Wylie |
Yogi | Yoshi |
Yukon | Zane |
Zeus | Ziggy |
What Do You Look For When Choosing a Dog Name?
What are some of your favorite male dog names? When it comes to picking out dog names what do you look for? Do you prefer names that are short and simple, or do you look for names that fit your dog’s personality? Do you have a strict “no human names allowed” rule? How did you end up choosing your dog’s name? Let me know in the comments below.
Back in the day baby name books were quite popular, and I remember using those as a kid to help pick out pet names. Anyone else remember those?
Now when it comes to my dog Laika I really lucked out — I managed to find a name that was short, fit her personality, and had an interesting story behind it. She’s named after the first mammal to orbit earth; a Russian stray dog named Laika. I thought it was a cute name (pronounced Like-uh), and since it was tied to space it passed the hardest test of all — getting approval from my boyfriend 🙂
Recommended Reading
If you’re looking for even more dog name ideas be sure to check out the following name lists for inspiration:
- 500 Of The Most Popular Dog Names
- 500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
- 500 Cute Puppy Names
- Most Popular Puppy Names
- Top 1,000 Baby Boy Names
- Top Male Dog Names of 2018

Please share with your friends 🙂
I’m looking for a puppy name for my 11yr old daughters puppy we jus got him on Sunday the 18th of this month and we cant all agree on a good name for him I likes Floyd and chaos but the kiddos are sure about them names
Bruno, Martin
You can
What name did you get
How old is your dog now? What name you gave? I think Bruno is a cool name for a dog.
Kenzo or storm
Once a farmer had a dog and BINGO was his name-o B-I-N-G-O
That’s not funny
Bo, Rocco, BAndit and Rocky are all names I would recommend.
No Bo sounds like NO so when sociologist the dog will be confused
I have a boy puppy and I’m looking for a name! He’s a white dog with brown and black spots on his eyes (boxer mix)
From Far Cry 3?
Then Name Him Max Or , Jax
Whenever i will have my first puppy i will name it as “Bruno”. thanks puppyleaks for providing such a super list of dog names.
I don’t like that name
No one cares. David, if you like that name that is all that matters. 🙂
I LOVE the name Benny.
Brown dog… Gotta be called….
I am soooo naming my puppy Taco!!!
My cats name is taco, because tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat
I think the name Tuxedo is adorable!!!
I have a black lab named Moon and I absolutely love her name it fits her so well
I’m proud to announce my dog as Marley
My Tia recently today just surprised me with a little fluffy black and white dog and I am proud to say his name is… Ollie! So thx puppy leaks!
We’re getting a puppy for my 11 year old daughter it’s all white Maltese and I’m thinking of naming him Kingston, Blaze, or Bentley.
Let her name him💕
Getting a new puppy boy and looking for a name
Brock and Ziggy are my favorites, we are getting a new boy puppy.
I love only Rocky boy
Aoi or Rex
I have a female Boston Terrier/Pit named Lucy-Fur. My male Great Dane/Pit is Boogie. My male Pittie is Goose, and we’re adding a new Pittie to our family. I’m pretty sure his name will be either Duck-Duck, or Quinoa Wasabi (Kemosabe).
Slate and Bugsy are my favorites for brown puppies.
I’m so happy with kiwi my dogs name
” Wielandt “
I need a name for my sister’s new puppy he is black with white on his face and paws
Wow ,do you know on 23rd my two cousin brother and my Bua will come at my house and they Give me a puppy of cream colour we put his ROCKY OR OLIVER .
Nice name
ROC is nice name my dog,
Thanks for name
just go for scooter. really good interesting
thanks it helped me to name my dog
Carefully observe the winners, don’t always pay attention to the losers
we had a border collie and named him NEO, it was a very cool name but unfortunately, he died from distemper :(, now we have another puppy same bread and we can’t use that name we loved, we are thinking about naming him KIBA, but I am not convinced yet, he is adorable white and red stains with blue eyes, any recommendations
I’m yamini and I search my cool puppies name Rambo.
So, Thank you so much puppy leaks for search my cool puppies name .It is a really thankful for searching dogs name and really I can say RAMBO was happy for he name.
Once again THANKS.
winston works for me
my family settled on calling the dog suki if its a girl but we dont know what to name it if its a boy (we are still in the process of getting a dog)
hey plz help me to find a name for my new white lab boy
Awwww send a picture plz
getting a hunting dog, need a name ! he’s tan with white on his chest and brindle around the eyes 🙂
How about Tibo? idk i just like it lol 😀
I adopted a Beagle dog. How about naming him ‘Alex’?
I really like the max name, a very nice and meaningful name for male dogs
Marty is very good name for my newborn puppy 🙂 Thanks for great article
This website is so useful 🙂 I love the names Ace, cooper and Ollie …
We are getting a new dog soon and I think I will use one of those helpful names 👍
i have a no human name rule, and the dogs are named on personality, coloring, my relationship to them (i have an injured dog i care for she has a foreign name for slave as i am her slave caring for her), and all dogs have names i’m sure the AKC has never heard of.
cevakavich makap, cevaka nepolerenee nemedved, cevaka volk are a few of my g shepherd names. I also have colonneh, shadow, athenius (human name but this dog worked miracles), starbuck from moby dick and such.
Geting a new french bulldog need a name?
my friend just got a new dog, we are loving these names!!😆✌️❤️
I like These male dog names such as Boo, Boko, Bruno, Ace, Ceder, Coco, Coffey Thor, Theo, Bailey, Tucker, Baxter etc. Aim for 2 syllable names that don’t sound like common commands. Really very catchy and good names lists are shared that will surely help to choose perfect names for dow owners.
Need names for male, Australian Sheppard.
Buddy is also a good name.
Brock and Ziggy are my favorites, we are getting a new boy puppy.
I have a 2 years old little dog,he is so kind and calm,and he is light brown ،what should i call him?
My favorites are “Rambo” and “Rebel”. This Is an Amazing Collection Of Dog Name And Very Helpful To Find Best Name For Dogs
I have a 2 years old little dog,he is so kind and calm,and he is light brown ،what should i call him?
I’m getting a English cream golden retriever. What should I name him? I was thinking Luke
I like the names Parker, Nash, Mojo, Kane, Tucker, Vinnie, and Stewie they’re different !! 😊
Getting a white Australian Shepard, Name suggestions please?
thats my xbox name BUT I LOVE THAT FOR A DOG i also like Milo
Frank or max or Brownie
finley is a good name
I named my puppy Echo, but looking for a middle name for him. Can anyone help me out
Peanut or Brownie
Oh, what’s the name of the other fictional famous cartoon male dogs from the animated television series and the animated movie film?
Great list! Our last dog was Toby, and our new one didn’t make the popular list, but we love the name Kirby.