500 Cute Puppy Names
Look for a name for your new pup? You’ve come to the right place. Your dog is going to be your best friend, so you want to choose the perfect name for your beloved companion. A name is forever after all, you want to do it right.
Now I know that choosing the right name for your new dog can be a bit overwhelming. You want a name that sounds good, one that fits your dogs personality, and one that the whole family agrees on. Finding a name that meets all of those criteria? Well that’s a real challenge.
With so many options it’s hard to know where to begin. Coming up with a bunch of name ideas off the top of your head isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. My secret? I turn to dog name lists for inspiration. I write down the ones I like, then I narrow it down from there.
So if you’re looking for cute name ideas for your new dog you’ve come to the right place. Here’s 500 cute puppy names to help get you started.
Tip: If you’re still stuck and looking for more name ideas be sure to check out our list of 500 popular dog names & 500 old fashioned dog names for even more ideas.
500 Cute Puppy Names
Female Puppy Names | Male Puppy Names |
Abby | Abe |
Addie | Ace |
Alexis | Aero |
Alice | Aiden |
Amelia | AJ |
Angel | Alfie |
Annie | Andy |
Ariel | Archie |
Ava | Artie |
Avery | Atlas |
Baby | Austin |
Bailey | Bailey |
Bambi | Baja |
Basil | Barkley |
Bea | Basil |
Bean | Baxter |
Bella | Bean |
Belle | Bear |
Betty | Beau |
Birdie | Benji |
Biscuit | Benny |
Blanche | Billy |
Blondie | Bingo |
Blossom | Biscuit |
Bonnie | Blaze |
Brooklyn | Blue |
Buffy | Bo |
Callie | Bolt |
Candy | Boomer |
Carly | Boots |
Carmen | Brady |
Casey | Brownie |
Cece | Bubba |
Chance | Buck |
Chanel | Buddy |
Cherry | Buster |
Cheyenne | Buttons |
Chloe | Buzz |
Cinnamon | Cain |
Clara | Captain |
Cleo | Carter |
Clover | Champ |
Coco | Chance |
Cookie | Charlie |
Cora | Chase |
Cricket | Chester |
Daisy | Chewy |
Dakota | Chico |
Dallas | Chip |
Daphne | CJ |
Darla | Clifford |
Delia | Clyde |
Delilah | Cody |
Destiny | Cooper |
Diamond | Corky |
Diva | Cosmo |
Dixie | Darwin |
Dolly | Dash |
Dora | Davy |
Dory | Denver |
Dot | Dexter |
Dottie | Diesel |
Duchess | Dijon |
Eden | Donnie |
Edie | Dudley |
Effie | Duffy |
Eliza | Duke |
Ella | Dusty |
Ellie | Dylan |
Eloise | Eddie |
Elsa | Eli |
Ember | Eliot |
Emma | Elton |
Emmy | Everett |
Etta | Ezra |
Eva | Farley |
Faith | Felix |
Fancy | Finley |
Fannie | Finn |
Fanny | Fisher |
Faye | Flash |
Fifi | Forrest |
Flo | Frank |
Foxy | Frankie |
Frida | Franklin |
Gabby | Freddy |
Georgia | Fritz |
Gia | Gage |
Gidget | George |
Gigi | Ghost |
Ginger | Goose |
Gloria | Gordy |
Goldie | Grady |
Grace | Gus |
Gracie | Harley |
Hadley | Harry |
Hailey | Harvey |
Hannah | Hayes |
Harley | Henry |
Harper | Hooch |
Hazel | Hoss |
Heidi | Huck |
Hershey | Hudson |
Holly | Hunter |
Honey | Ike |
Hope | Indy |
Ibby | Ira |
Ida | Jack |
Iris | Jackson |
Ivory | Jasper |
Ivy | Java |
Izzy | Jesse |
Jackie | Jethro |
Jada | Joey |
Jade | Jordan |
Jasmine | Jordy |
Jazzy | Kane |
Jenna | King |
Jersey | Knox |
Jewel | Koby |
Jolene | Koda |
Josie | Lance |
Juno | Lenny |
Karma | Leo |
Kayla | Leroy |
Kennedy | Levi |
Kiki | Lewis |
Kinley | Lightning |
Kira | Lincoln |
Kiwi | Linus |
Koda | Logan |
Koko | Loki |
Lacy | Louie |
Lady | Lyle |
Laika | Mac |
Lassie | Major |
Layla | Marley |
Leia | Marty |
Lena | Mason |
Lexi | Max |
Lexy | Maximus |
Libby | Maxwell |
Liberty | Mickey |
Lilly | Miles |
Lola | Milo |
Lottie | Moe |
Lucky | Monty |
Lucy | Morty |
Lulu | Murphy |
Luna | Murray |
Mabel | Nelson |
Macy | Newton |
Maddie | Nico |
Maisie | Niles |
Mavis | Noah |
Maya | Norm |
Mia | Oakley |
Miley | Odin |
Millie | Ollie |
Mimi | Orson |
Minnie | Oscar |
Missy | Otis |
Mocha | Otto |
Molly | Ozzy |
Morgan | Paco |
Moxie | Pal |
Muffin | Parka |
Nala | Parker |
Nellie | Patch |
Nessie | Peanut |
Nettie | Pepper |
Nikki | Percy |
Nola | Perry |
Nori | Petey |
Odessa | Pip |
Olive | Piper |
Olivia | Poe |
Opal | Pogo |
Oreo | Pongo |
Paige | Porter |
Paris | Prince |
Parker | Quincy |
Peaches | Randy |
Peanut | Ranger |
Pearl | Rascal |
Pebbles | Red |
Peggy | Reggie |
Penny | Ricky |
Pepper | Ringo |
Petra | Ripley |
Phoenix | Rocky |
Piper | Rudy |
Pippa | Rufus |
Pixie | Rusty |
Polly | Sam |
Poppy | Sammy |
Precious | Sarge |
Princess | Sawyer |
Pumpkin | Scooby |
Queenie | Scooter |
Remy | Scout |
Riley | Scrappy |
Rosie | Shadow |
Roxy | Shiloh |
Ruby | Simba |
Ruthie | Skip |
Sadie | Smoky |
Sandy | Snoopy |
Sasha | Socks |
Sassy | Sparky |
Scarlet | Spencer |
Shadow | Spike |
Sheba | Spot |
Shelby | Stanley |
Shiloh | Stewie |
Sierra | Stitch |
Sissy | Taco |
Skye | Tank |
Skylar | Tanner |
Sophie | Taylor |
Star | Taz |
Starla | Teddy |
Stella | Titus |
Storm | TJ |
Sugar | Tobias |
Suki | Toby |
Summer | Tot |
Sunny | Toto |
Suzie | Tripp |
Sweetie | Tucker |
Sydney | Turbo |
Tabby | Turner |
Taffy | Tyler |
Tasha | Tyson |
Tessa | Vernon |
Theo | Vince |
Tilly | Vinnie |
Trixie | Wade |
Trudy | Waffles |
Violet | Wally |
Vixen | Walter |
Wiggles | Watson |
Willa | Wilbur |
Willow | Winston |
Winnie | Woody |
Xena | Wyatt |
Zelda | Wylie |
Zoe | Yogi |
Zola | Zane |
Zuri | Ziggy |

Please share with your friends 🙂
Resources & Recommended Links
Still looking for more puppy names? Be sure to check out the following resources for more inspiration:
- Cute Puppy Names
- Dog Name Finder
- 500 Popular Dog Names
- 500 Male Dog Names
- 500 Female Dog Names
- 500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
What Are Your Favorite Cute Puppy Names
What puppy names do you prefer? Do you have any favorites from the list? Do you like classic names like Lady and Benji, or are you a fan of modern dog names?
How did you come up with your last dog’s name? Was it a name that fit their personality? Was it a name that sounded cute? Let me know in the comments below.
When it came to naming Laika I struggled for a few days, but when I saw that name I knew it was the one. It sounded good, it fit her personality, and it has a historical context that makes nerds like me happy. She’s named after the stray dog who became the first mammal to orbit earth back in 1957.
You weren’t kidding when you said these names were cute! If I get another puppy, I’m definitely coming back to this list!
that’s cool and this list is awesome
Heyy do u like dogs ?? I am such a dog lover i have six puppies to cat three monkey to rats one parrot and six birds😃😃 cya have a good day from Cora Demilio
I like and love so much dogs 👍
I think you. are A good dog lover if you have that many pets
amazing 😊
this is so useful thank u
did you ever get a puppy?
Yes I got one but I want it his name to be unique anddddddd i name it boss a boy name actually I did not name him that my mom……… Any one have (Instagram)or sanpchat???¿¿ just asking
Just in case my insta is Cherryice2114 I just want to make new friends 🙂
Yeah! it was tough though.
Yo im brent rivera
What brent rivera really I am your big fann
Yes you’re absolutely right they are so cute I named my little puppy sugar because she is so sweet I have three York Shire Terrier puppies all right so pretty and very precious to us we are the Yorkie family their names are little girl bear bear and sugar
I named my puppy Gertrude
These names are so cute.. Thanks for the help
i have a pitbull
They just didn’t mach my puppy but they are really good names I totally recommend
U for got one really cute name Lark or Larketa
I love those! It helped my grandma
My grandma and grandpa just got a dog tody and he is a Aussie doddle and he is 13weeks we are still trying to figure out some name so give me some ideas please.
I know this isn’t related but, what is the breed of dog in the picture at the top of the page? It’s very cute.
It’s a keeshond puppy!
It is an akita puppy
I got a lot of new possibilities from this
I think I might decide between Stella, Feisty, or Meli (which means honey in Greek), for a brown labradoodle. Any other suggestions?
i have 4 dogs there names are Cocoa, Mocha, penny, and mader and two of my other dogs died last month, there names were balka and losi. i also have 5 cats(mama kitty, peaches, luna, tony, and ben) a beirded(toothless) and 4 fish(Mr.wiggles, disco, stripes, and janitor bob)
my dog is going to have puppies mybe to night we do ‘ n t know i know a cute name is ace, zoe, zane I have a kind of dog is a labradoodle.
These names r really good but plz may u add Jerome to the list
My dog had 17 puppies lol
How about Christmas names
Kringle for boy
Holly for girl
My Yorkie is Dickens — he is such a little dickens but cute as can be too.
OMG!!!!!!!! I’m going to get a puppy in a few months and I will defintally come back to this list!!!!!!!!
I love those names
Oh yes
So cute so hard to only pick one.
I now right
I know it is sooooooooo hard but I finally picked one and it is harper and piper.
Does anyone else just come to these naming sites to come up with an oc name? I feel like I’m the only one lmao
So cute I’m Emma and I’m 9 years old
Cool I am 11
Aww these are all so cute it’s hard to pick one for my aunties new puppy. We are all thinking ether blossom,Mable or Chanel x
Hi I am looking for names we are getting a cavapoo creamy colour any name suggestions
I am getting a new puppy!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking i could name it Harper because I have a dog named Bailey, so i thought that Harper and Bailey just sounds good.
I am getting a new puppy named Scarlet
Thank you for the article. Very informative. I’ll take a note.
Nice for us to find some interesting names for our dogs. Sometimes we have difficulties deciding on a name for our Cavapoo puppies. This list here is an answer.
Growing up, we had dogs named Margie, Maverick,& Sam. My Grandparents had a Musser. Since having my own dogs, had a Majesti, 5 Maltese, 1st named Pee Wee (someone else named him), Brooke Lynne (in 80s), Kelly, Karo (after my Dad’s childhood nickname), & now a female named Gentry. She was named after county my Dad & Aunt grew up on farm. Had a bunny, was gonna name him Milo till finding out it was common, so his name is Ganja. My next Maltese (hopefully this summer) will be Gypsy (possibly). Generally try to give them unusual names. Enjoy seeing these lists. Thank You!
I liked names: Alfie & Rusty both.. ☺
I’m naming my toy poodle Cutie Pie
I named my dog Oscars
Insta 😁
My girl’s name is not on this list. We went with a Game of Thrones theme and named her Winter. She’s a Siberian Husky with icy blue eyes. We love saying, “Look! Winter is coming.” Lol
Aww thats cute
i think Ollie should be a name
i think Ollie should be a name thats what im naming mine
I did ace💜
IM having 8\9 puppys! IM so excited
These names are so cute! Im adopting a puppy soon and im definetly going to name him biscuit
(also sorry for misspelled words im not feeling like spelling words today -_-)
Or blossom if its a girl idk
Thank you for this helpful share. I just decided to name my puppy is Toto
I chose the name simba and rufus this is the best names veer and my boys will love it.
Thanks you for this useful post! Now I have my ideas to make a name for my puppy
Thanks i guess Her name is gonna Be “Angel Alfie”
my friends name is ellie