500 Geography Inspired Dog Names
I don’t know about you, but I struggle when it comes to picking out dog names. One method I’ve found that helps is coming up with a theme to help narrow it down, and today I decided to use geography as my inspiration.
If you’re looking for a geography themed name for your new dog you’ve come to the right place. To help you out on your dog naming journey I’ve put together a list of 500 geography related names. From world capitals like Oslo to the Hari river, there’s a lot of cool names to choose from. Here’s 500 geography inspired dog names.
Looking for more dog names? If you’re looking for even more names be sure to check out our list of 500 popular dog names & 500 old fashioned dog names.
500 Geography Inspired Dog Names
Abilene | Adda |
Adelaide | Alaska |
Albany | Albert |
Alder | Alexandria |
Alice | Alma |
Alsek | Altus |
Andes | Andorra |
Angel | Ansoo |
Antilles | Apia |
Aragon | Arges |
Arlington | Arran |
Arthur | Aruba |
Arvada | Asia |
Aspen | Astana |
Athens | Atlas |
Atoka | Aurora |
Austin | Avalon |
Baffin | Baikal |
Bailey | Baja |
Baku | Bali |
Barkley | Berkeley |
Berlin | Blue |
Bolivia | Bolmen |
Bonito | Boomer |
Boon | Borg |
Borja | Boston |
Bowen | Brady |
Brantley | Breton |
Brisbane | Brooklyn |
Brooks | Bruce |
Budd | Burton |
Caddo | Cairo |
Cali | Calle |
Camden | Cameron |
Cami | Canton |
Carlton | Carmi |
Carnegie | Carolina |
Carrera | Carson |
Carter | Cary |
Catalina | Cayuga |
Chad | Chandler |
Chandra | Chapada |
Chari | Charleston |
Charlotte | Chavon |
Chelan | Chelsea |
Cher | Cheyenne |
Chisos | Clark |
Clayton | Clinton |
Clovis | Cody |
Columbus | Conrad |
Constance | Corona |
Coso | Costa |
Crystal | Cypress |
Cyprus | Dabie |
Dakota | Dale |
Dallas | Daly |
Darby | Darling |
Darwin | Davis |
Dayton | Delhi |
Delphi | Denton |
Denver | Diego |
Dijon | Dixie |
Don | Dora |
Douglas | Dover |
Drina | Dublin |
Duncan | Dunmore |
Easton | Eden |
Edward | Egypt |
Elizabeth | Elton |
Emerald | Enid |
Erie | Esla |
Estling | Eugene |
Everest | Everett |
Fenton | Fewa |
Fez | Fiji |
Flint | Florence |
Francis | Franklin |
Fresno | Frisco |
Ganges | Garda |
Garland | Gaston |
Geneva | Genoa |
George | Georgia |
Gila | Gilbert |
Giza | Gorky |
Greeley | Grenada |
Groot | Gruber |
Guadalupe | Guija |
Guri | Haddix |
Halle | Hamilton |
Hanna | Harding |
Hari | Harker |
Harlem | Harper |
Harris | Harvey |
Havana | Hayward |
Helena | Henry |
Heron | Holland |
Hope | Horyn |
Houston | Hudson |
Hula | Hunter |
Huron | Imandra |
Imeon | Inari |
India | Inva |
Iori | Irvine |
Irving | Isabella |
Isar | Iskar |
Israel | Jackson |
James | Java |
Jennings | Jericho |
Jersey | Jijia |
Jordan | Joy |
Julian | Juneau |
Kalu | Kaniv |
Kano | Kara |
Kariba | Kasai |
Kashmir | Keitele |
Kelani | Kelso |
Kem | Kendall |
Kensington | Kent |
Kenya | Keret |
Khalti | Kiev |
Kivu | Knox |
Kobe | Kolima |
Kolva | Koros |
Kush | Kyoto |
Lacha | Ladoga |
Lafayette | Lansing |
Laredo | Laya |
Leigh | Lelia |
Lena | Letka |
Lewis | Lima |
Lisbon | Loa |
Logan | Lokka |
Loko | London |
Lorraine | Lourdes |
Luanda | Lucerne |
Lucia | Lugano |
Luna | Lusaka |
Luza | Lydia |
Macon | Maderira |
Madrid | Mali |
Malta | Mamry |
Manila | Manito |
Marina | Marion |
Martin | Mason |
Matano | Maya |
McKay | Mead |
Mecca | Medan |
Melton | Memphis |
Mesa | Miami |
Milan | Milford |
Miller | Mira |
Mitchell | Montana |
Morava | Morey |
Morice | Mur |
Muritz | Narva |
Nass | Nelson |
Neman | Neva |
Nevada | Newton |
Neya | Norman |
Norns | Nottely |
Nova | Nyasa |
Nyos | Oahe |
Odell | Odessa |
Oka | Oliver |
Olt | Omaha |
Onega | Ontario |
Oran | Orlando |
Orvin | Osaka |
Osborn | Oslo |
Owens | Ozama |
Pagie | Paho |
Palena | Pamirs |
Panama | Paris |
Parker | Patna |
Pearl | Pelly |
Penna | Peoria |
Percy | Perry |
Phoenix | Pierce |
Po | Pola |
Poso | Powell |
Prespa | Provo |
Pryor | Puula |
Rainy | Raleigh |
Rara | Ravi |
Red | Regina |
Reno | Renton |
Rialto | Rico |
Rila | Rio |
Rockford | Rome |
Roosevelt | Ros |
Rosario | Ruby |
Rupa | Rush |
Sabine | Sahara |
Sajo | Sal |
Salem | Saline |
Salish | Salton |
Saluda | Sama |
Samara | Sanford |
Santiago | Saral |
Sardis | Savannah |
Sawa | Sedona |
Selma | Seneca |
Serra | Sevan |
Seymour | Shawnee |
Shelon | Sierra |
Siljan | Sinoe |
Skye | Sofia |
Solomon | Sonoma |
Spivey | Stanley |
Star | Storm |
Sula | Sur |
Sura | Sutter |
Sutton | Sydney |
Sylva | Tacoma |
Tahoe | Tangra |
Tay | Taylor |
Tellico | Tempe |
Terek | Texoma |
Thornton | Tiber |
Tisza | Toba |
Tomo | Topeka |
Totes | Trent |
Trenton | Trinity |
Troy | Tuttle |
Tux | Tweed |
Tyler | Ufa |
Ulsan | Una |
Urmia | Vaga |
Valencia | Vallejo |
Vanda | Vegas |
Venta | Verde |
Verona | Victoria |
Vida | Viedma |
Vienna | Violet |
Virginia | Visalia |
Volta | Vostok |
Walden | Walker |
Wallace | Wallula |
Warren | Washington |
Watson | Weatherby |
Wheeler | Whitley |
Wilbur | Wilson |
Winder | Wyatt |
Wylie | Wyola |
Yalu | Yeya |
Yojoa | York |
Yula | Yuna |
Zaire | Zambezi |
Zambi | Zaria |
Zoar | Zulia |
As much as I’d like to pretend that I’m a genius when it comes to geography I have to admit I didn’t come up with all these names on my own. I used a few different lists of rivers, lakes, cities, mountains and world capitals for reference. Here’s the ones I used:

Please share with your friends 🙂
Wow, impressive! Don’t forget, geography-inspired names could include topographical features too. I recently met two golden retrievers named River and Marsh.
Great names! My dogs are River and Meadow, my cats are Ceder and Breeze?
i love all the dogs names we were going to name our dog Bailey but we went to globe and then we realised that my dog was named bailey already so we didn’t need to rename her and when we were going to put her next to me we were still in the house she came running to me and knocked me over and i fell to the floor she is a black mouth cur.
Thank you for these very useful shares. I have a dog named Topeka, and he is such a sweetie.