Roundup 39 – Favorite Dog Articles, Deals & Videos of the Week
I wrote awhile ago about why dogs have spots on their tongues. And despite common belief those spots do not mean they’re part Chow, 38 other breeds are known to have them. Well I finally got a decent photo that shows the spots I was talking about on Laika’s tongue. Tada!

Laika after one of our many bubble sessions this week.
OK tongue spots & bubble smiles aside here’s my favorite dog articles, deals & videos of the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
14 Things to do Instead of Getting Frustrated With Your Dog
I know how easy it is for a dog to test your patience, but when you react with anger or frustration it can set back any training your working on.
The Amazing Science Behind Pets That Find Their Way Home
I’ve always been fascinated by animals and their ability to navigate. Homing pigeons have been known to travel over 1000 miles, and of course there’s the cat that traveled 200 miles to get back home. Here’s a look at how scientists believe different species (including dogs) use their senses to find their way back home.
Do Your Part to Make Vet Visits Productive
I can’t even count how many times I get back home after the vet or doctor & suddenly remember another question I meant to ask. I love these tips, and just by following a few of them I wouldn’t have to kick myself for forgetting to ask those questions again.
Pitbulls and Euthanasia Rates
While Pitbulls are about the 5th most popular breed in the states that doesn’t help explain why they’re the dogs surrendered most to shelters. Breed specific legislation (BSL), landlord issues, insurance problems, bad breeding practices & the general misunderstanding of the breed are all parts of a huge problem.
How to Send a Care Package to Dogs Overseas
Although this post is 5 months old I didn’t know about it until Veteran’s Day. What a lovely way to send a nice thank & show some appreciation for working military dogs overseas.
Feel a Lump? Don’t Wait, Aspirate
While it’s true that some some lumps are benign (Lipomas are quite common) it’s never something you want to “just wait & see” about. Having a bump checked out by a veterinarian is a pretty quick & painless process – and the peace of mind is always worth it.
Man’s Best Friend Honored & Decorated in Nepal Celebration
And finally my sort of celebration – a full day dedicated to celebrating dogs. (as seen in the beautiful featured image)

Each year during Kukur Tihar festival Nepalese celebrate man’s best friend
Favorite Dog Deals of the Week
- Pet Safe Easy Walk Harness 52% Off – Amazon
- 6 Foot Long PetsLovers Durable Dog Leash 79% Off – Amazon
- Kong Rubber Supreme Ball 50% Off – Amazon
- Free shipping on orders of $25 or more w/code FREE25A – Entirely Pets
This post contains affiliate links, if you make a purchase I’ll earn a small commission.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
Such a cute way to release the hounds.
Oh if only Laika were half this apprehensive/and or gentle.
Cat’s can be real jerks, just sayin’.
I loved the article about what to do when you’re frustrated (we’ve all been there, right?) and the one about aspirating lumps. Haley’s already had a few bumps removed because they were cancerous, but luckily not the type that normally spread, so I’m always for aspirating those lumps and bumps. Great articles, Jen and thanks for including my vet article as well! 🙂
No problem at all – I don’t know why I didn’t think about keeping tabs/using a journal when it comes to vet visits. Thank you for writing such awesome & actionable articles for us to follow 🙂