Roundup 33 – Favorite Dog Articles, Deals & Videos of the Week
It’s been a real #popedogs sort of week – one of the cutest trends I’ve seen.

The #popedogs are my favorite trend of the week. photo via @graciepom_
In non pope dog related news here’s my favorite dog articles of the week, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. If you have any suggestions for future roundups send em my way, I’ll definitely check them out.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
More Than 70,000 Dogs Live in America’s Research Labs. I Rescued One of Them.
The awesome and heartwarming story of Hammy, one of the dogs rescued from the amazing Beagle Freedom Project. I couldn’t imagine how fearful I’d be of everything if I’d spent the first 4 years of my life in a lab. Yet these dogs make amazing transformations, their resilience and ability to trust humans is simply astounding.
Weed Killers May Go From Plant to Pooch
Nearly every weed killer product has a warning to keep pets and children away from treated lawns for 24 hours. But what happens after 24 hours? Interesting comparison of 3 different weed killers and how much they rubbed off after that first day.
“No” Is Not Enough Information
I’ll admit it, I’m guilty of telling Laika “no” and then — nothing. No follow up, no further directions — just no. It’s not telling her much and it’s unproductive, yet it’s so hard to stop yourself from saying it. I’ve been getting better, but as usual us humans tend to be stubborn when it comes to self training.
It’s Amazing What These Students Are Doing For Dogs That Can’t Walk
Inspiring story of a group of students in Argentina that make wheelchairs for injured dogs. They began their work in 2010 and called the project “Lazarus.” Since then they’ve provided over 500 wheelchairs to dogs in need to families that can’t afford to buy them in stores.
Why Common Ways to Reduce Nuisance Barking Can be Ineffective or Worse
A comprehensive look at why dogs bark and how certain reactions, such as using anti bark collars, aren’t helping matters — in fact they’ll can make the problem much worse.
10 Ways to Find a Good Vet For Your Dog
One of the most important decisions you can make about your pet’s health is finding a great veterinarian. Here’s some great tips to follow on how to find great veterinarians in your area.
Strength Training for Dogs: The Hind Legs
Perhaps I’m a bit bias when it comes to the importance of hind leg strength due to Laika’s arthritis, but it’s never a bad idea to keep all parts of our dogs in shape. Here’s some great tips to help your dog keep those hind legs strong.
Best Dog Deals of the Week
- 220 Pet Waste Bags with Dispenser 56% Off – Amazon
- Dremel 7300 Pet Grooming Kit 48% Off – Amazon
- Safari Professional Nail Trimmer in Large 50% Off – Amazon
- West Paw Jive Tough Dog Ball in Large/Black 32% Off – Entirely Pets
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
The best train ever, made better by the fact he made it himself for his adopted dogs 🙂
Syrian teen refuge walks over 300 miles with his beloved pup.
Another great Hope for Paws video.
Wow, the article about weed killers was really an eye opener, especially for the dogs where the owners didn’t use weed killer on their own lawns. I’m always careful about Haley walking on lawns when I see the little signs, but I never really thought about her picking up chemicals from other people’s lawns. Maybe my strategy should be to avoid the perfectly manicured yards and let her walk on lawns that are full of weeds, lol.
Thanks so much for including my article on veterinarians this week too! I always enjoy reading these round ups. 🙂
Yeah the weed killer one is so scary; that’s one thing I don’t miss about living in a neighborhood – everyone had those signs up all the time. I guess since no one drives down our little dirt road my neighbors don’t care as much about fertilizing & putting down weed killers.
No problem for the inclusion, it’s such an important decision to make, and I always find it stressful so I’ll gladly apply your advice.
I so hate that we still test on animals and am so glad that Beagle Freedom project is working so hard to rescue and rehabilitate these dogs.
The weed killer article was interesting. We use a natural product on our lawn for fleas and ticks (a combination of essential oils) and we keep the dogs off the grass after it’s been sprayed just to be safe. Because of Delilah’s liver issues, I’ve been paying particular attention to lawns in our neighborhood that have been sprayed and trying to keep the dogs off them. I’m also trying very hard to discourage Delilah from eating grass, because it concerns me that the weed/bug killer might still be on the grass even weeks after being sprayed.