500 French Dog Names
I don’t know about you, but I find the process of picking a dog name a bit stressful. You want one that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that the whole family can agree on. Finding a name that fits all those criteria is a bit tough to say the least.
My favorite trick? When I’m looking for dog names I check out baby name lists for inspiration. It’s hard coming up with a bunch of names on the spot, and it can be even harder when you’re trying to stick with a theme. So that’s why I decided to put together some of these handy dog name lists, and today’s inspiration is French dog names.
So if you’re looking for a French dog name you’ve come to the right place, I’ve put together a list of my favorites. From classic names to contemporary options, here’s 500 French dog names to choose from.
500 French Dog Names
French Female Dog Names | French Male Dog Names |
Adela | Abel |
Adelaide | Abi |
Adele | Ace |
Adelie | Achille |
Adrienne | Adamson |
Aeris | Adrein |
Agathe | Alain |
Agnes | Albert |
Aimee | Alfonse |
Alice | Alfrid |
Alma | Alvin |
Amaline | Andre |
Ambre | Antoine |
Amelie | Anton |
Anne | Arman |
Anouk | Armel |
Antoinette | Arsene |
Apolline | Arthur |
Ariane | Astin |
Aubree | Auger |
Audette | Avery |
Audrey | Barden |
Ava | Bardot |
Aveline | Barnette |
Avril | Basile |
Aya | Bastien |
Babette | Beaumont |
Batilde | Beldan |
Beatrice | Belot |
Bella | Benedict |
Belle | Benjamin |
Berdine | Benjie |
Bernadette | Bensen |
Bianca | Bernard |
Bibi | Briant |
Bijou | Cain |
Blanche | Carvel |
Brigitte | Cesar |
Camille | Charles |
Cecile | Chauncey |
Celeste | Chevy |
Celine | Claude |
Charline | Clement |
Chloe | Clovis |
Clara | Cloyd |
Claudie | Corbin |
Clemence | Corin |
Constance | Cornett |
Corrine | Cosme |
Cosette | Damien |
Danette | Daryl |
Delphine | Dash |
Desiree | Daz |
Dionne | Del |
Doriane | Delroy |
Dorothee | Demont |
Edith | Denis |
Elaine | Dennes |
Elena | Dion |
Elisabeth | Dru |
Elodie | Eddie |
Eloise | Edmond |
Elsa | Elliot |
Emeline | Eloi |
Emma | Elois |
Emmie | Emile |
Enide | Emmanuel |
Esme | Erec |
Estelle | Erik |
Felice | Erwan |
Fifi | Esme |
Flavie | Ethan |
Fleur | Eudes |
Francine | Eudo |
Francoise | Eudon |
Garland | Eugene |
Geneva | Everard |
Genevieve | Fabien |
Genny | Felix |
Georgette | Fernand |
Germaine | Florent |
Gigi | Forest |
Ginette | Franc |
Giselle | Francois |
Gladys | Fraser |
Guilia | Gael |
Guinevere | Gais |
Helaine | Galant |
Helene | Garen |
Helo | Gaston |
Heloise | Gerald |
Hennie | Gerard |
Henriette | Germain |
Hortense | Gifferd |
Idelle | Gilbert |
Ines | Gill |
Irene | Gilles |
Iris | Gosse |
Isabel | Gul |
Jacinthe | Gustave |
Jacqueline | Gustavo |
Jacqui | Guy |
Jeanette | Hamblin |
Jeanne | Hamlin |
Jenava | Hardien |
Jeslyn | Harland |
Jodelle | Harvey |
Joelle | Henri |
Johanne | Herve |
Joi | Horace |
Jolene | Hubert |
Joli | Hugo |
Josee | Ignace |
Josette | Ilbert |
Juliet | Ives |
Kalle | Ivon |
Kari | Jacques |
Karlis | James |
Lacey | Jean |
Laudine | Jori |
Laure | Joshua |
Lea | Josse |
Lena | Jovan |
Leona | Jules |
Liane | Julien |
Lila | Karel |
Lina | Karlis |
Lise | Kota |
Lisette | Lafayette |
Lison | Lamar |
Lizette | Landis |
Loraine | Landy |
Lottie | Lanny |
Louise | Laurent |
Lourdes | Lazare |
Luce | Leo |
Lucie | Leon |
Lucille | Leonard |
Lucinde | Leron |
Lula | Leroy |
Luna | Lewes |
Lunete | Liam |
Lydie | Lionel |
Mabella | Lonell |
Macella | Louie |
Madeline | Louis |
Maeva | Loup |
Majori | Luc |
Marcela | Lucas |
Marcelle | Lucien |
Mardy | Marc |
Maresa | Marcel |
Margerie | Marin |
Margot | Marquis |
Marguerite | Marrok |
Mariam | Marshall |
Marianne | Martin |
Marie | Matheo |
Marielle | Mathias |
Marine | Mathieu |
Marquite | Mathis |
Marthe | Maurice |
Martine | Maurin |
Mathilde | Maxime |
Maude | Maximilien |
Michele | Michel |
Mila | Michon |
Monique | Milot |
Myriam | Milun |
Nadelle | Montel |
Nadi | Mort |
Nadine | Mory |
Nadiya | Nathanael |
Nathalie | Nel |
Neva | Nichol |
Nicolette | Nicolas |
Nina | Noa |
Ninette | Noe |
Ninon | Noel |
Noe | Noham |
Noela | Norbert |
Noelle | Norris |
Noemie | Oates |
Noleen | Oda |
Nour | Olivier |
Octavia | Orleans |
Odette | Ormondo |
Odila | Orrie |
Olivia | Orval |
Olivie | Paget |
Orabelle | Parke |
Osanne | Pascal |
Ozanna | Patrice |
Pancha | Patrik |
Paris | Pepin |
Paulette | Perceval |
Pauline | Percy |
Penelope | Perkins |
Perle | Perrin |
Radelle | Philbert |
Raina | Pierre |
Raissa | Pons |
Rebecca | Porter |
Regina | Pryor |
Rema | Purvis |
Remie | Quentin |
Renee | Quint |
Riva | Rabbie |
Rivera | Raimond |
Romane | Raphael |
Romy | Raulf |
Rosali | Regis |
Rosalind | Rema |
Rosella | Remi |
Roselle | Renard |
Rosine | Rene |
Roux | Reynold |
Roxanne | Richard |
Ruby | Riche |
Sabine | Robert |
Sacha | Rodel |
Salome | Rodolph |
Sara | Roland |
Sasha | Roul |
Satine | Rousel |
Shantal | Ruff |
Sheril | Salomon |
Simone | Savon |
Sofia | Sebastien |
Sophie | Serge |
Suzanne | Simon |
Suzette | Stuart |
Sylvie | Sylvan |
Symone | Teddie |
Tallis | Theo |
Therese | Thoreau |
Tilde | Timeo |
Tracia | Travis |
Trais | Tre |
Valentine | Tristan |
Veva | Troy |
Victoria | Ulysse |
Violette | Urbain |
Vivienne | Valentin |
Yasmina | Varden |
Yasmine | Wyatt |
Yvette | Younes |
Yvonne | Yves |
Zoe | Zacharie |
How Did You Come Up With Your Dog’s Name?
How do you come up with name ideas for your dog? Do you look for names that fit their personality? Do you check out name lists (like I do) for inspiration? Do you pick names based on their meaning? Do you start with a theme then come up with a list of names from there? Let me know in the comments below.
Still Looking For Dog Name Ideas?
If you’re looking for even more name ideas for your dog be sure to check out the following:
If you’re looking for more French name dog ideas be sure to check out the following:

Please share with your friends 🙂
I really like the name Gaston! If I ever get another male puppy, that is definitely the name I’m going with
These are great, I love them! Thanks for the other resources for dog names too, that’s so helpful. We couldn’t agree on a name for our adopted dog Phoebe. When we took a break to watch TV, Friends came on and we both said “Phoebe!” That’s her name. LOL!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
These are great! I really liked the name bella.
Though I’m a latin person, I really do love french names. Thank you for this.
So great! So many beautiful dog name!
Excellent selection of names!
I also have similar articles on our site. We can be friends.
We purchased our 1st Frenchie and named her Philomene Izabella.
I really like the name Sophie. It will look great on my dog.
Nice ideas. Thanks for sharing this ideas.